2004 School Magazine


Faculties:Health, Physical Education & Sport H LTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORT >




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Back Row IL-Rj: Lucy Corke 112Gj, Emma Platz 112Mj. Anna Mullins 11 IR!, Shyalle Kahawita 112Rj, Arooke Kahawita 11 IR!. Lydia Elsworthy 11 IEj. Tasafin HDssain 11 IWj Front Row IL-Rj: Niti SheIh 11 001, An shini Jain 112Wj, Mrs P HarveyShort. Kristy, Scandrett 112L, Captainj. Mandeep Gill 112Lj

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> 2004 has proved to be a very busy, yet successful year for the Health Promoting Schools Committee IHPSj. The student based committee. under the guidance of the Director of Health, Physical Education and Sport, Mrs HarveyShort, has achieved great successes. promoting the maintenance of a healthy, balanced school life and raising awareness of health issues within the School community particularly those associated with women and young people Our first fundraising activity, Bow Tie Appeal raised $301.45 for Muscular Dystrophy and "Buy a Butterfly" accumulated $203 05 for the Hear and Say Centre for Deaf Children Heart Week, in May, 15 one of the largest annual projects of HPS, with dally activities and fundraisers organised In conjunction with Ms J Mariel to highlight the importance of preventing heart disease. Activities

Included the inter house Beep Test, won by Amy Cunning ham 112Mj, a dance session with Mrs K RiverOS and the annual staff versus student Netball game. The Year 8 gins participated In Jump Rope For Heart, raising over $7835, encouraged by a visit from the Heart Foundations very own "Happy Heart". Ms M Axelson, of the Maths Faculty, organised a visit from the Blood Bank and the wearing of a red t-shirt by all athletes at sport training sessions was a reminder of "healthy hearts" Selling cakes and biscuits for AustraliaS Biggest Morning Tea raised $74.95 for the Queensland Cancer Fund, and the committee conducted an awareness campaign for World NO Tobacco Day The committee undertook its largest project, selling daffodils for The Queensland Cancer Fund, on Open Night, raising a total of $651.90 The event also gave the committee an opportunity to advertise its

mission within the School and to prospective Year 8 students HPS has been meeting regularly with the catering staff from cafe @ grammar. This has led to the introduction of many healthier alternatives, the reintroduction of some old favourites, and the designing of a HPS food labelling sticker for the cafe HPS is a motivated group, striving to make a positive Impact on the school community its success can be largely attributed to the tireless effort of Mrs P Harvey-Short and the continual support from Sister C Hann and School Counsellor Ms K Belbin. Every member this year has played an important role, aiming to influence the lives of not only fellow students, but also the broader community K is+^- ScatLdre HPS Captain

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