2004 School Magazine
Creations:Music Department
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in Adelaide during the holiday break. Julia Colwi11 19Gj and SallyAnne Biggins 112Gj won two of the scholarships and they spent nine days in Adelaide touring and performing as members of the National Honour Choir in the final week of Term 111 the Music Department was privileged to host Michael ChristIe, the chief conductor of The Queensland Orchestra for a conducting workshop. During the year several students developed their conducting skills in order to compete for the chance to conduct The Queensland Orchestra. At the workshop, Mr Christie examined the potential students' conducting techniques and eventually selected Annie Tong I I OBI and Nadia Myers II I Mj. Both girls performed brilliantly while conducting Hans ZimmerS Gladiator in the >> continued page 128
were involved in music activities outside the school. Kelsey Giarola IBGj and SallyAnne Biggins 112Gj successfully auditioned for the chorus of Opera QueenslandS production of Carmen. The Grammar Singers also performed with the Community Choir at the "Grammar Community in Concert", an annual event held at the Queensland Conservatorium as part of Brisbane Grammar Schools concert series Term in saw the introduction of Winter Classics, an evening of music from senior ensembles and various soloists. Music students also performed on Open Day, where prospective girls and parents observed the high standard of the music programme. The Intermediate String Festival held at Brisbane Grammar School
involved all intermediate andjunior string players. Several days of rehearsals with other schools CUIminated in a fine performance at Centenary Hall that featured a massed string orchestra of over 300 players Fourteen singers participated in ANC'IFest 2004, an annual event organised by the Australian National Choral Association Designed to instill the love of choral music in secondary school students, ANC6. Fest 2004 gave the choristers the opportunity to work with internationally recognised conductors and perform challenging works The chosen girls attended four rehearsals led by inspiration al conductor Chris Kiver The participants were also given the chance to win one of five scholarships. enabling them to attend the National Choral Festival
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