2004 School Magazine

Creations:Music Department







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The concert finished with the Grammar Singers and Chamber Orchestras combined performance of SchubertS Mass in G Major The instrumental and Vocal Competition was an opportunity for senior musicians to demonstrate their solo performance skills and gain valuable feedback from professional musicians. After a number of challenging rounds, four final 1sts were selected to perform at the Artists in Concert and compete for the prestigious R. T. and A. E. Jefferies Bursary. Adjudicator Dr Stephen Eininerson awarded the bursary to saxophonist Denise Cheung 112Gl. The two May Concerts held on consecutive Friday evenings in Term 11 showcased many of the other School ensembles Throughout the term many students

The music year launched with the Senior Music Camp at Watson Park Dakabin. Members of the Symphonic Winds, Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra and Vivaldi Players participated in a weekend of musical learning and entertainment. The camp also provided an opportunity for girls to meet and socialise with new members of the senior groups. The final concert on the last afternoon was an impressive display of hard work and learning. Music Camp was closely followed by the Choral Workshop, a weekend of Intensive singing for the Chamber Singers The first formal event was the Welcome to New Families Concert. This year a record number of new studentsJoined the music

programme and an additional concert er established b rid andjazz ensembl to accommodate the demand. The Autumn Concert was the first performanc of the year for the intermediate and un or ensembles. Term I concluded with the o10 and Ensemble Performance W ich provided an opportunity for all musicians to demonstrate their skill and ability b for adjudicators from the Brisbane music community Term 11 started with the Cathedral Concert at St. StephenS Cathedral eaturing the Chamber Singers, Chamber Or hestra and Grammar Singers. Violinist Francesca Hiew I2Mj overwhelmed the audienc wi h her solo performance of Camille Saint- Sa ns' Introduktion rid Rond Cap ICci

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