2004 School Magazine







08 o1+ I ""' ' , 00 Good 61ve-4,114^'I C, L^. irpe-vsot'L, L. ^. dies a. 4.1d 84-1+!a, ". e ^-I " >.-- This year Grammar has undoubtedly proven to be a formidable competitor on the debating floor. Of the fourteen teams fielded in this years Queensland Debating Union Schools Competition, eight were successful in their endeavour to qualify for the final rounds, with two of these teams, the Year 9I I I team and the Year 8 141 team, managing to argue their way through to the semi finals These final rounds always provide an additional challenge for debaters with the standard of competition being extremely high However neither of these Grammar teams was daunted by the task that lay ahead and both approached it wit confidence

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Fourth Row IL-Rj: G. Chandrashekac M. Third Row IL-Rj: p Key, ,. c ,,,, ,, ''rn- G Horsburgh. S. Wills. K Dareh, J GIIj, ow IL_Rj: p Keyat. C. Bejkofr G. c, wd, r . c. , . g ' ' Wills. K Dareh, J G, ,,, C- Blenkin. L winte, t, , ' ' - Ogan. S. Turnec J-L Tan, C. Morris. econd Row IL-R!: B. Conley L. to ce, A. M Front Row IL_Rj, , , e, - Carter A. Slater H. Scatham, N Sheth. L O B '

The Year 9 11 I team consisting of Stephanie Carter Sarah Cowley, Hayley Logan. Priya Kevat and Sanda MCLeod successfully made have been possible without the tireless encouragement of our coaches, peers, it through to the finals, winning un a close parents and other Grammar supporters debate against Somerville House This who made all the hard work worthwhile sheer talent exemplified by the younger On behalf of all the debaters, I would like Years suggests continuing success in future seasons. The Year I I 11 I team, the Year I O to extend our sincere gratitude to our 131 team and the Year 9 121 and 131 teams all Co-obinator of Debating, MISS Williams, competed in at least two final rounds and we whose organisation and support has been extend our congratulations to these girls for unrelenting, and to the team coaches for their dedicationTenthusiasm~and~invaluab eir won erf. I devotion. persistence, assistance throughout the season and talent Debating has equipped us with many This success in debating 2004 would not

invaluable life skills and has taught us more than mere argumentative ness Grammar debaters are like Superman - fast enough to familiarise ourselves with current events at short notice, strong enough to sacrifice slumber for early Sunday morning meetings and able to leap over countless opponents in a single bound Congratulations debaters and good luck for a successfiJhseason-next year

Erul^ See (128)


Ark WWW. planetark. coin is a leading environmental organisation that runs a number of environmental campaigns and initiatives in Australia. At this years inter house Swimming, GECO organised a competition in honour of Clean up Australia Day where all Houses had to maintain a clean area throughout the day. The competition was won by Woolcock House. GECO has recently focused on raising awareness about the current problem of plastic bags and their negative effect on the environment by encouraging students and staff to minimise

>..- 2004 has been successful for the

Grammar Environmental Conservation Organisation IGECOl. GECO aims to raise awareness of the importance of a clean environment within the School community and abroad, while encouraging students to do their bit for the planet. Over $60 in donations was raised through the distribution of green ribbons on School Day. The GECO website has also been re vamped with many interesting links which students can go to, including those of Planet Ark - which is GECOs chosen chancy Planet

their use or to find alternatives This year GECO has raised over $ I 000 for Planet Ark and hopes to continue their support in the future years Eru! V".*" Opd^*. bos0, " (1211)

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