2004 School Magazine
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Above: Jillian Svanberg 11 I q - Left Han Far Right: Jeanca Higgs 11 ORj and Louise Right: Khadia Harris 11 rel
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01.10, ;^^^'t^
>... What better way is there to spend
in ings and relaxed lunches before and after sailing During Term I the A B, and Junior Teams raced and trained on alternate Sunday afternoons, while the development squad trained in the mornings When the weather did not permit us to sail, rules sessions proved to be very beneficial During the Easter holidays the three Grammar Teams competed in the Queensland Schools Teams Racing Championships, held at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, Manly. On the first day of racing al three teams competed. Against strong opposition, the Junior Team was placed 3rd in the Junior Division, while in the Open Girls Division, the B team placed 3rd and the A team were undefeated State Champions. The next three days of racing were taken up by the Open Schools Championship, in which the A team
coinp ted In perfect cond tions and tough OPPosi 'on, the competition prov ded the girls with some very exciting acing At the end of the Championship, the A team won silver fleet, while placing 7th overa In January, Katrina Ham 112Bj and Jessica Higgs I I ORj competed in the National Heron Championship, Youth Womens Division. They are to be coinmended on placing third in this Regatta Recently the School has approved the purchase of six Puffin Pacers dinghies to replace the Vagabonds. With this increasing fleet, plus the evergrowing popularity of the sport, Grammar Sailing anticipates a successful season for 2005 R^b^con Ant^" (12M) ^ Kiri F1^I++er (128) Captains
your Sunday afternoon, than sailing on Moreton Bay with your friends? Since 1985 Grammar sailors have had the privilege of participating in this fun filled activity. This season has been no exception, with students achieving outstanding results and making great Improvement. With promis, rig numbers of Year 8 sailors Grammar entered three teams in the Interschool coinpet, tion, as well as having a large and enthusiastic development squad. School spi t rid team bonding 15 an essential part of Grammar Sailing, highlighted by the season launch of a pancake breakfast, cooked by Mr Greatorex, Mrs Flutter and Mrs Arvier Other team bonding experiences included the Parents of Grammar Sailing barbecue lunch at Manly, regular team
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