2003 School Magazine



Eliza Gower At the close of 2003, the School in general, and the rhythmic gymnasts in particular, farewell Eliza Gower (12 Grimth). Eliza has been a dedicated performer for the School for the past six Years, always giving of her best at every opportunity. When not performing nationally or internationally, Eliza donned her Grammar unitard with pride and gave her all for her School. As an elite performer, as a school team member and as the 2002 Captain of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Eliza has always generously given her time and expertise to her fellow gymnasts in 2003 Eliza was second All Around, and first in hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon at the National Championships. She was also involved in three European tours. These included training camps in Russia, and competitions in Fra rice, Slovenia, Poland, Austria, Russia, Holland and Spain. She won a bronze medal for ribbon in Calais; came fourth All Around, and third in ribbon in Poland; fourth All Around and first in both ball and ribbon in Austria. Eliza was a member of the World Championships Team in Budapest The School and the gymnastics community wish Eliza well in all her chosen endeavours in the future.



Courtney Park As a member of the Spring Hill Gymnastics Club team, Courtney Park 111 Woolcock) competed at the National Club Championships held in Maffra, Victoria Courtney, who placed second at the National Titles in May, topped off a su erb competitive Year in Artistic Gymnastics with a National Team selection. Courtne will represent Australia in December at the international Titles held in Canberra.

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