2003 School Magazine
placed in the top 2010 of Australia and to the management in Australia. Only three school following girls who were placed in the top student interviewers were selected from 100fo of the Competition and gained High across Australia and the topic for discussion Distinctions: Georgia Glidden, Stephanie was the future management of the Murray Turner, Shona Wills, Kathryn Belford, sarah Darling river system. Such an opportunity was a wonderful experience for one of our HateleY, Jenna Bankhead, Madeleine aspiring Young geographers and no doubt Cameron, Natalie Davidson, Shona Gray, the Deputy Prime Minister enjoyed the Lauren Humphrey, Erika Leitch, Annie-Kate Interaction with Australia's Youth. Vann, Tasafin Hossain, Sarah Jones, Clare This year has been a busy and rewarding Murray, Monique Rowles, Anne Sawyer, time for both students and staff teaching Seone Woolf, Rebecca Bennett, Maya Cherian and Jennifer Radford. As well, there and learning across our disciplines. At a recent New Zealand Council for Educational were 29 Distinctions and 17 Credits awarded. Research conference, the United Kingdom's This was indeed the best result for the School leading expert on "learning to learn" In many Years. The Competition challenged Professor GUY Claxton noted that, "since we the students thinking and tested their overall don't know what knowledge will be required knowledge of Geography. These results were in the future it's senseless to try and teach very rewarding for both students and staff it. More important is teaching them in Term IV, Georgia Bright was invited to [students] to enjoy learning. " The staff of participate in the national radio programme the Social and Environmental Studies "Talkback Classroom" in Mildura, held as Faculty love learning and it is our hope that part of the International River Health in turn our students will embark on a Conference. The guest interviewee on this fascinating and rewarding journey of life occasion was the Deputy Prime Minister, the long inquiry and enriching discovery
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Honourable John Anderson MHR who as the leader of the National Party has an interest in the co- ordination of water policy and
Mr B Addison Head of Faculty
Finding places around South Bank - Year 10 Geography excursion
PR E MIE R ' S H I S T O RY AW AR D S Georgina Horsburgh was awarded the Premier of Queensland 'Young Historian Award' at a ceremony held at the aueensland Museum on 27 October Georgina was chosen from eight other Queensland history students, who were all prize-winners in the Queensland division of the 2003 National History Challenge. The National History Challenge is a research- based competition which gives students a chance to be an historian by investigating their community and exploring their own past. it emphasises and rewards quality research, the use of community resources and effective presentation. The theme for this Year's competition was 'Conflict and Resolution'. As well as winning the Premier's prize worth $650.00, ($500.00 to Georgia and $150.00 to Brisbane Girls Grammar School) Georgina won the Year 9-10 age group category, earning herself a nother $125.00. Georgina's prize-winning essay focused on Gay Rights in Australia. It examined the nature of conflict between gay and mainstream society, and the extent to which this conflict has been resolved. in early December Georgina will meet with other State and Territory winners in Canberra, where the Young Historian of Australia will be announced. Congratulations and best wishes Georgina Ms J Hennessey a Ms K Pitty Head of History a History Teacher
The HoiT Paul Lucas MP. Minister for innovation and Information Econom!. awardin Geor in a her F1ze
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