2003 School Magazine



What has made 2003 different from al other years? Early in the Year the Student Executive recognised the strong sense of community that exists in the School and at the first Executive meeting made the decision to build on this feeling and kick off their campaign with the theme for the Year: "Be in it" The aim was for girls and the community to 'be in' music, sport, art, drama and the many activities available at the School and in doing so make 2003 a memorable Year. The student body embraced the theme and it was

wonderful to see the enthusiasm of the students and the rest of the Grammar community, demonstrated by their participation in and support for the various activities. it was this participation which produced a strong positive feeling and a sense of excitement reinforced by the many successes of Grammar teams and individuals this Year The Executive and Year 125 wanted to reach out to strengthen contact with the surrounding local community as well, so the 'Big Project' was activated again this Year to raise funds for the Royal Children's Hospital. Our School's Executive met with their counterparts at Brisbane Grammar School and discussed possibilities for future interaction between the two schools in Years to come. in Term I, we held a fundraising debate between the BOYS and Girls Grammar Schools, with proceeds going to the hospital Open Night proved to be not only an occasion for the students and their families, but one for friends, future Grammar girls, and the local Spring Hill community. The Year 2003 was also one of change and the School community accepted that challenge by changing some long-standing practices. This proved very successful as evidenced by the large attendance on Open Night, the very special and moving Concert in St Stephens Cathedral and the enjoyable and professionalIy presented Music Gala in Term 111. it is the co-operation between staff, students, parents and members of the wider community which makes change possible and as a result of these experiences, the girls have proved they are able to welcome and accept new challenges As successful as this Year has been, we realise that it could not have been possible without the endless efforts of Mrs MCConaghy, Mr Dale, Mr Addison and Mr Seaha, who did not hesitate to push Year 125 to their full potential, and of course Mrs Bell, whose continuous presence and advice carried us through our final Year at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. A special thanks must also go out to all the staff and parents for their support and guidance this Year. This has been a Year of fun, high spirits, and hard work. But most of all. it has been a year that has truly encapsulated a sense of together ness. From sport to music, from debating to drama, the 2003 Year 125 have left the School knowing they have made a contribution to the Girls Grammar community that will remain for years to come.

Bel it tod y, live in ore of your Ii fe . BGGS

Lauren Harrison Jessica Rothnie

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