2003 School Magazine
This Year in Drama the teaching staff have concentrated on enriching student's learning via specialist workshops. public performance or viewing live theatre. Students learnt to be actors, critics and reflective thinkers Year 8 Drama students worked towards insthg Stars in Term 11 performing for parents a mixture of Clowning, Reader's Theatre, Movement and Scriptwork. For some students this was their stage debut in front of a supportive audience of relatives and their peers. This was an ideal time to show parents how students work in a Drama class and meet the teachers in an informal setting Year 9 have had the opportunity to expand their knowledge of movement In a specialist workshop on Counterpoints, a creative style of movement. This led to a higher quality of performance work and for some girls a more confident approach to expressing themselves physically. Some Year 10 students attended a Zen Zen Zo workshop on Japanese theatre and also had the opportunity to attend a production of Cosi at the OTC. This enabled them to experience being treated as an actor and learning theatre etiquette. During their Years of senior study students were encouraged to attend a wide variety of productions. Students attended Cosi at aTC and The Servant has Two Masters performed by Bell Shakes peare Company. The Zen Zen ZO Japanese theatre workshop gave students the opportunity to experience the self-discipline necessary for this style and also realise the impact this style has on present Australian theatre Year 12 Drama students worked over in the CWA hall for their final production. The students were responsible for the stage management, programmes, and backstage 12.1 performed Secrets and Li^s, 12.2 performed 4 and 123 performed Silences. Ms K Mecklem Head of Department
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