2002 School Magazine
health and PE faculties
Health, Physical Education And Sport Faculty The Health, Physical Education and Sport Faculty has a serious responsibility to educate over 1000 girls each Year in the vital importance of personal health and fitness to a quality lifestyle. To this end, one theme throughout the five Years of Health. Physical Education and Sport education is physical fitness In Year 8, girls are taught basic skills to enhance their physical performance, as well as studying nutrition and personal development. This generalized approach becomes more specific in Year 9 where students study physical fitness in relation to a sporting unit. They utilize heart rate moniters to plot performance intensity. graph outcomes and begin to gain a thorough understanding of the many components of fitness. Year 10 sees a more detailed study of energy systems, exploring the impact of training procedures on the body The Junior School Program provides the basis of exercise physiology in Year 11 and 12 Board Course Physical Education. These specialist students evaluate and interpret their bodies' responses to Competitive Aerobics, analystng effective training methods and interpreting the effectiveness of personalized training regimes Meanwhile all Year 11 students experience a battery of fitness tests and learn to design an effective fitness program, exploring a variety of activities, which can enhance their specific needs in personalized fitness
The Yeor 12 PE Boord Course students choreogrophed ond performed original aerobic routines for their assessment tosk
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Ainundo Cheoles and El^tubeth Wheeler
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