2002 School Magazine
faculties social and environmental
The Geography Department entered all the Year 10 Geography classes in the Australian Geography Competition earning 7 High Distinctions, 14 Distinctions and 21 Credits. Congratulations are extended to Elyse Chant, Rachael HDlt, Ruth MCConchie, Sarah Millman Kathryn Salkield, Kate Saunders, Vanessa Watson who all gained High Distinctions. Excursions to far away places such as Imbil and to local destinations including Boondall Wetlands, Brisbane For rest Park and the Brisbane River all had an added dimension this Year. All levels were able to avail themselves of the latest technology through the use of Geographic Positioning Systems, which use satellites to locate features on the earth's surface. These small devices allowed classes to locate significant features related to their field trip. in the classroom setting, this data was downloaded through the use of a mapping tool, Arcview. BY feeding these features into a computer the girls saw the various relationships generated by the primary data A quick overview of these wonderful achievements only further highlights the inter-connected ness of the subjects offered by the Social and Environmental Studies Faculty. History is far from dead and the ramifications of such a realization will ensure that generations of Grammar Girls will continue to search for the truth in an environment that will remain as challenging as change itself. John Bednall, a former Principal of Perth's We51ey College has noted that the ultimate goal of education must be, "to develop Young people with a social conscience and the skills to make a creative and ethical contribution to society and as such the next great challenge for teachers 's to help students to value sets of knowledge, to distinguish between the meaningless and the sordid and to see the truly uplifting and important. " A study of the Social Sciences via models such as those developed in the Social and Environmental Studies Faculty can only help to ensure that the foundations for a truly empathetic civil society will continue to be underscored
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Interviewing - Yen, 12 Forest 10ke on o1ysis
~---- I Recording - Yeor 10 81isbone River fold trip
Observing - Yeor 9 forest enquiry
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