2002 School Magazine
social and environmental faculties
Throughout the Year our students have had many successes as they have applied their knowledge, skills of analysis and interest in a wide range of issues and events sponsored by the Faculty. Winny Shum won $300 and was placed in the top six national prize winners in the Committee for Economic Development's 'Duo Vadis? Australia" futures competition. Winny's essay was on the value of education as an inputinto human capital and competitive advantage. Elise Adamsjourneyed to Gallipoliin Aprilas a recipient of the 2001 51mpson Prize. Rohani Mitchell represented the School at the South East Queensland Constitutional Convention in which the processes of parliamentary and responsible government were highlighted and students engaged in debate as to whether indigenous Australians should be mentioned in the Constitution. Also learning about these processes was Eve!yn Young. who on her own initiative, was a part of the Queensland Youth Parliament. Sally Stubbing ton and Jocelyn Knight were selected for the finals of the National United Nations Youth Association Dag Hammarsjold Shield. As a consequence of this participation. Sally was invited to participate in the National United Nations Youth Convention held in Brisbane during the JunejJuly holidays. This Year Nudgee College hosted the World Vision Youth Conference and the BGGS representatives for this important Conference were Clare Applegarth, Sally Stubbing ton and binaryn Kettleton. The international flavour was continued by the involvement of Winny Shum. Gabriella Richie and Emma Thornpson in the United Nations Youth Forum on the Arab-Iselie dispute
Mr B Addison
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