2002 School Magazine
., faculties health and PE achievers
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Geordon Shonnon (12 Engiondi wos the youngest member of the AUSt, offon Under 19 Softbo!I teom who competed in the Conodo Futures Cup in toneouver in July
formelAhern 110 Grimth} wos selected in the Under 15 HonororyAustrolion Volleybo!I toom at the Austinlion Under 16 Schoolgirls thumpionships in Darwin in August, where she coptoined the Queens!und team <
Feinty Abrom 111 Hitschfe!d}, triothlete. won two Trek Bike Rood Rocesin April, come firsti'n t Bridge to BriSbone Open Women^ Section !12km/43 minutes}, become Notion o1 thornpion funder 18 Girls individual und Club Gold Medo!j at the Austin!ion All Schools Notion o1 Cross Country Chumpi'onships, ond is currently tmining for selection events for World Junior Cross Country and Triothlon
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