2002 School Magazine

health and PE achievers faculties


Elizo Gower 112 Grimth/, AUSt, offon Rhythmic Gymnost of the Yeoc was a sirver med01!^3t or the 2002 Commonweolth Cup, a finalst in three ingjor to uruoments on the Europeon Tour ond won SIX gold medals at the 2002 AUStrohon Notional Chompionships Isenior Elite divisionl

Ainundo lee See re Liney!, rhythmic gymno is the Notiono11unio, Elite Champion Iwinn, rig three gold rind one silver at the Notion o1 Titles}. She was o1unior representative in the AUStrolion tenm rhot competed in both the Focific Alliance in Vaneouvec Conodo in April und the Aeon Cup in tofryo in September



Heren North 112 Mockoyi was vice-CUPIDi'n of the Australian Youth Waterpolo reom for the USA four in June and the test series in Sydney in August. She o150 mode the AUStrolion Schoo@iris team that will tour Curiodo in December 2002

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Anno Potterson 11: 12 Hirschlt!dl und Einino Poutsen 112 Mockoy} were selected in the Australian 420 soiling dinghy teom for the World Titles in Portugal. However their studies prevented them from lotihg up this offer

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