2002 School Magazine

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Physics at BGGS

Multi-Strand Science at BGGS

The physics units of the Junior Science Curriculum provide the core concepts of physics and the foundations of a scientific approach to considering the scientific issues of the present and those in the future The Senior Physics Curriculum builds upon the foundations laid in the Junior Science Curriculum to Introduce more advanced concepts and develop the techniques of experimental research The course takes account of the fact that students choosing Physics include those who require knowledge of Physics for further study and those ending their study of Physics at the end of this course The senior course continues to discuss topical issues to develop attitudes and values concerning the impact and imitations of science. The topics delivered in Year 11 develop the tools and skills of a physicist and in Year 12 these 'deas weave together to provide a sound basis of scientific literacy and an exciting insight into the further study of physics and engineering Our top students are extended through a variety of enrichment activities, The international Young Physicists Queensland's Quasar Club being some examples. This involvement is seen as a vital part of the curriculum delivered in Senior Physics This year the Physics Enrichment Group was introduced. This group was established to encourage the more gifted students and provide them with an environment that would challenge their abilities. it works with Mathematics C to ensure the students have the mathematical background to cope with the higher order phys'cal concepts Tournament myPTj, the Physics Olympiad and the University of

The one factor that all Multistrand Science students have in common is that they do not require a senior science as a pre-requisite for tertiary study. The Multistrand cohort is. traditionally, a most diverse group of students. Some students are following a senior course predominantly in the arts. others are more interested in studying a broader. more varied science subject and still others feel that an Integrated, unitised approach may assist them cope better with the challenges of senior studies Whatever the reason for choosing to study Multistrand Science, one key focus for students in this group is to continue to develop their skills in scientific literacy A study of Multistrand Science requires that students examine interactions between science and technology in a broad context and develop an understanding that these Interactions are dynamic, evolving through time it is hoped that at the end of two Years of study, students will have maintained a positive attitude towards science, they will appreciate its impact on their daily lives and understand the means by which it can be directed towards desirable ends



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