2002 School Magazine
science faculties
with the refurbishment of the Science laboratories we will expand further on this Year 12 Biotechnology unit and provide students with more meaningful insights into the ever-expanding world of biotechnology Many of our past students have continued with their Biology studies at a tertiary level, often in the traditional areas of medical sciences and the them pies. At present. however, many new Science courses are being developed at tertiary institutions around the country to educate our future scientists about new developments in DNA technology and Biotechnology in the future, manyjobs will be available for those that wish to do
Although Senior Biological Science is essentially a unitised course. the major biological concepts. scientific processing. and critical thinking skills that are encountered in junior Science are built upon further in Years 11 and 12. Year 12 students complete a research assignment that investigates DNA technology. which is one area of Biotechnology. This assignment combines practical work that entails the extraction of DNA. the use of restriction enzymes to cut up DNA. and the use of gel electrophoresis to separate small DNA fragments with a research task that is based on topical issues such as: Genetic Modification. Genetic Screening, and Stem Cell Research. it is hoped that next Year.
Biological Science at BGGS
cutting edge research in biotechnology, not just overseas, but also locally as a result of initiatives like Science State - Smart State and the University of Queensland's Bright Minds project We are definitely in the middle of a biotechnology revolution and this century has been described by many as The Age of Biology: Here. at BGGS. we aim to improve the scientific literacy of our Biology students as well as introduce them to some of the new technologies being used around the world and the associated controversial issues that arise from their use
Biological Science is the study of life, in all Its manifestations. it is a very broad subject area that encourages students to develop their knowledge and understanding of living things, including themselves, and to develop an interest in the natural world
Chemistry at BGGS
It is the intention of Chemistry at Brisbane Girls Grammar to enthuse students about the exciting place Chemistry has in the modern world, instruct students as what is presently known about the science of Chemistry, and instil in students the very nature and philosophy of the Scientific Method. making students aware of th power of this method to Identify. discover. and comprehend the universe in which we live The foundations laid down in junior Science are built upon throughout Years 11 and 12 CUIminating in a "research exercise" in the fourth semester. This Year, students had a choice of five research projects. namely Aspirin and Paracetamol: the synthesis and chemical reactions of aspirin and paracetamol River Project: analysis of water quality of a local river Red Wine: what chemical components determine the quality of a wine Vitamin a effect of temperature and light on vitamin C content of drinks Liesegang Phenomenon: effect of concentration, surface area, shape of container, temperature andjor light on the formation of Liesegang's rings This research project emphasises skills in information research, identifying solvable problems. experimental design and analysis and critical analysis of the product Many students find such a task daunting, Yet the final product is often of an excellent standard and students gain confidence in their own abilities as individua thinkers and as contributors to a group
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