2002 School Magazine

faculties science

research the re idity of global warming claims, ts likely causes, and the potential implications of our current way of life on the Earth and its atmosphere. We have nurtured and continue to nurture the physicists and engineers who investigate technologies that go Into the production of mobile phones or into the search for sustainable energy. And some of our chemists are making significant contributions to the pharmaceutical Industry Four science subjects are offered un Yearsll and 12 at BGGS. They are Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, and Multi-Strand Science. The Junior Science Curriculum aims to give all students access to basic scientific literacy and to provide the first stage of training for our future scientists it offers students experiences in 5 strands of science - biology. chemistry, physics. geology. and astronomy

A good basic understanding of scientific phenomena allows citizens to participate in debates such as those that are being reported currently in the popular press: Should we clone human embryos? is the prolonged use of mobile phones do magi'rig to our health? Should AUStrol^b 519n the Kyoto Protocol? is global worming a myth? How con we produce sustainable energy in the future? Are there better chemicals to replace those that ore expensive, dangerous, or harmful to the environment? But the BGGS Science Curriculum is not only focused on developing basic scientific literacy to increase the number of scientifically-literste adults and Improve the public understanding of science. For one hundred and twenty-seven Years, BGGS has made a significant contribution to the pool of qualified people who became or will become the scientists. engineers. technologists, or technicians of the future. Our science courses produce the biologists and chemists who contribute to our understanding of

Science Faculty The BGGS Science Curriculum is designed to prov'de students with a variety of experiences which allow them to learn science, learn to do science. and learn about science it serves two purposes The first is to improve scientific literacy While many students who study science at school do not go on to pursue science-based careers. a basic understanding of scientific knowledge is essential for responsible citizens in a modern democracy. indeed, the Royal Society claims that improving scientific understanding is not a luxury but a vital investment in the future well- being of our society Because our science courses aim to contribute to improved public understanding of science, they focilitat the development of student understanding of the enterprise Itself Through participation in our courses. students gain, not only a knowledge of specific core concepts, but an understanding of the purposes of scientific work and the nature of the knowledge it produces. They also come to appreciate the strengths and limitations of scientific knowledge They engage in scientific research by simulating the methods that scientists have used to answer particular questions, and learn to deal with the outcomes of research by mimicking attributes such as. objectivity, logic, and intellectual honesty, widely valued by the community of professional scientists

cloning and other genetic engineering technologies; or the microbiologists, botanists, biochemists, geologists and other scientists who




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