2002 School Magazine

boa rders 7I

The Year in Review ...

The Boarding House never quite got the home away from home' feel that we had heard about, but there's no denying it's pretty special Boarding 15 an experience quite unlike any other. being flung into a "dorm" with thirteen other complete strangers, all very nervous about starting a completely different life. 15 obviously going to create many challenges. That original thirteen has now been whittled down to five. with the addition of two girls joining us at the start of 2001 and 2002 respectively. Declining numbers in the Boarding House has created its own unique set of experiences; problems and friendshipsintertwined during the five Years at Girls Grammar. Now it is not only our time at Grammar that is coming to a close: 2002 marks the end of boarding at the School as well We were privileged to have been given the opportunity to be a part of the group who have passed through Girls Grammar as Boarders. Looking back. I believe we made the most of this privilege and when we leave the Boarding House for the last time, we will each take with us memories. stories and laughter to last a lifetime

Term One began with major changes in both the School and the Boarding House A Welcome CocktailsjDinner was held for Mrs Am anda Bell. the new School Principal. Both parents and students attended and everyone enjoyed themselves Some radical changes to boarding house life also became apparent. As well as the long-awaited unlimited leave that is offered to Year 12 boarders, due to decreased numbers. each of us was able to select our own private bathroom! The food, while decent before Iexcluding Year 8 and 9 of coursel is now fantastic; thanks to decreased numbers. bulk preparation of food was a thing of the past. and breakfast is now cooked for each person, much to the frustration of the hungry rowers During the second week of school, Mrs Parsons organised a surprise outing to dinner on Tuesday night. After a slight misunderstanding about our destination 150meone hinted it may be McDonaldsj. we arrived at ChoChoChor on Riverside. The meal enjoyed by all was fobulous. Holly must be coinmended on her bravery in trying an oyster for the first time. which was quite comical to watch. General consensus seemed to be that the evening was very pleasant. and everyone ate more than is usually consumed in several meals! The next highlight was the Formal Dinner organised by Bre Ryen, in the middle of the Term. The kitchen prepared a wonderful meal and we were able to catch up with past Dormitory Seniors Kelly Saunders and Sally Lohrisch. as well as past Boarder, Suzanna George. The senior staff members were also invited and everyone enjoyed reminiscing about previous Years in the Boarding House Term Two contained a number of memorable events. We had the pleasure of having Mrs Bell and her family to dinner in the Boarding House one night. Mrs Bell also arranged and organised a dinner at the beginning of June for the Boarders, Student Executive and Senior Staff members. which was a welcome change to routine. Term Two brought with it the long awaited Boardersjerseys. it being finally deemed told enough' by Mrs Parsons. As the term wound down towards the holidays. we all got more excited about the Formal. much to the distress of our teachers who were attempting to keep us on track for examsl Everyone looked stunning and I know that we all had a wonderful time At the beginning of Term Three we were lucky enough to be given the opportunity of going to see Mommo Mi'a at the Lyric Theatre. We all enjoyed it immensely and Mrs Parsons led us at the end in singing and dancing I The weekend after Mommo Mio brought with it the Boarders Formal, held at the Marriott. RDSie and Holly organised the evening. with the help of Mrs Palsons and congratulations for a wonderful night must be given to them all. it was great to catch up with ex- boarders Meghan MCTavish, Emilie Wight and Sarah Laruffa, as well as all the girls in the Day School who boarded with us at some stage We arrived in 1998 aware that we were the last group of Boarders at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. however we didn't fully appreciate them piications of that fact We didn\ realize that we would never have the opportunity of being Seniors for grades below us. and we didn't realise that numbers would decline so rapidly because there was no new influx due to the imminent closure of the Boarding House. This was a positive and a negative at the same time. During the later Years, we did not have the distraction of Younger grades, however we were at the same time unable to have the experience of being role models for the Younger grades The commitment by the School to maintain the Boarding House until the last intake in 1998 has really changed the boarding experience for students and staff and it has been a steep learning curve for all involved No one is going to gloss over the fact that it was hard Yards. This Year in particular, if one Boarder had a disagreement with another Boarder, it was particularly difficult for them to stay out of each other's way. due to the smaller numbers. I guess You could say we were exactly like sisters, just notin the happy families sense




Hope Adams Holly Clarke Vicki Fleming Miran Patterson

Year off prior to university Year off prior to university



Sydney Brisbane

Pharmacy Architecture

81eanna Ryan Annabelle Vaughan

Rotary EXchange to South Africa



Rotary EXchange to France


RDSie Walden


An unmentioned but loathed practice of the staff is the tendency to spring fire drills on us at any hour of the day. The now familiar wailing of the fire alarm woke us one night and we staggered downstairs wrapped in blankets. instead of the usual site of Mrs Parsons standing next to a sinug-looking Mr Greatorex ready to greet us with a comment totally Inappropriate to the middle of the night. we found a deserted foyer. We went and stood outside in the cold and waited for Mrs Palsons When the fire brigade arrived, it would have been hard to tell who looked more sullen, the eight sleepy boarders, or the firemen!




Taping over people's videos The long run to the phones Answering the doorjphone

Dress ups


ice-cream with sprinkles

Signing out, P-slips

The back steps Wigs

"Shhhh. .. can You guys please be quiet" Certain people's feet near the N


Part time boarders

Willy ICard gamesI

Rowers at breakfast


Laptops typing after lights out 81e talking non-stop about MIChae! Bad spelling and grammar

Don's cooking Sleeptalking

Sister Hann



Holly's eating habits Hot water running out Locked printer room Common Room duty Leaf blower man

Ugg boots Rosie's PIs



"People fascinate me in their natural habitats. .."

End of an Era

Annobelle Vuughon

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