2002 School Magazine
university connections accounting
Tertiary Accounting Accounting students at BGGS are able to complete OUT's first Year tertiary Accounting subject IBSBllOj while completing their Accounting course in Year 12 at school. Students who took on the challenge of completing BSBllO in 2002 were Felicity Bennetts, Tara Brocklebank, Emma Coaldrake, Alaria Dempsey. Laura Gay, lemma Hawing, Sarah Hiley. A1yia Rahemtula, Salma Sabdia, Sophie Usasz. RDSie Walden and Karen Yau Students were issued with a OUT student number and password which entitled them to discounts available to OUT students and access to a wide range of online support materials including lecture notes, tutorials. PowerPoint slides and self-paced learning problems. Students also attended a 'real' lecture at OUT, which gave them an insight into the atmosphere of university life Prior to their mid-semester examination on Saturday, 24 August, conducted at OUT together with all OUT students doing BSBllO, a number of Brisbane Girls Grammar School students joined together with students from St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace for a revision lecture with Ms RDS Kent of OUT, Course Co-ordinator of BSBllO. The students welcomed the opportunity to meet with Ros and to review the material to be tested in the mid-semester examination
Pictured Below
Back Row it-in. ' Mornn Rogolskj Mithoel thouth, Gee-Woi Kwok from stJosephS College, Gregory forfore Front Row it-in: Ms RDS Kent KOIen You, Sophie Uso52, A10no Dempsey RDSi'e Wo!den, Mrs P Girlg
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