2002 School Magazine
built environment university connections
Built Environment Day During the year a selection of Year 10 students attended Built Environment Day at Queensland University of Technology. During the day girls wereintroduced to the variety of Built Environment courses offered through the university. Prior to coming. students were asked to select two activities that they would like to participate in during the day. Each activity was designed to raise student awareness of the types of skills gained and the activities experienced through a course in the Built Environment Faculty as well as introducing students to future career options One activity involved designing a paper kettle that could actually boil water using only paper, scissors. sticky tape and glue. The only clue given was that that if there were water in the kettle it wouldn't burn. The task was to develop a concept that allowed the water to boil without "bubbling over" or "boil'rig dry': Another activity involved a mock auction where students were given "money" to bid for show bags containing various materials At the end of the day all involved gathered together for a forum where the Year 10 students asked questions of students presently doing the OUT courses. A really valuable and entertaining day ended with pizza and soft drink
Where do we begin?
Developing the concept
Iennifer 61/10n
Trying alternatives
The teams in action
A working design
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