2002 School Magazine

BGS connectio s Young achievers


Young Achievers promotes spirit of entrepreneurship This Year due to the generous sponsorship of Conrad's and the dynamism and commitment of the proprietor of Harvey Norman IOUeen Stl, the Young Achievement Australia program has been re-established in 2002 with two teams comprising students from BGGS and BGS. The YAA program guides the students through the processes associated with commencing a business from scratch and looks at organizational structure, product design and marketing - all of which occurs in the context of the development of a detailed business plan

Groan ULLEr


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Sell^hg beanies at Open Doy

The Yards Ahead team, sponsored by Mrs 10 Weiden of Harvey Norman IOUeen Sti decided to outsource the manufacturing of a range of different coloured beanies as a means of fostering the house spirit throughout the respective schools. This product emerged after a series of intriguing brain storming sessions in which a whole raft of products were hotly debated. The DKNYA team, sponsored by Conrad's eventually agreed on producing a range of T-shirt kits for sale to the general public and it will be very interesting to see if their meticulous market research will bring them the rewards they are expecting The Young Achievement Australia program has been a wonderful collaboration involving the Economics students from both Schools and has most certainly introduced the students to the importance of teamwork, group dynamics, respect for difference of opinion and tolerance

Bruce Add^^on

Developing the concept

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