2002 School Magazine

firing line

The Firing Line: Personal Reflection

I soon found myself attending three rehearsals a week ithis included one o Friday afternoon). These rehearsals, which ran consecutiveIy for many weeks, consisted of marking the role, reading endless newspaper articles on women. preparing short scenes and brainstorming as a group Iwhile I sat in a corner and furiously wrote down every ideal The script slowly began to take shape, and we soon realised that opening night was but a few weeks away We then moved into the BGS Drama Theatre and began rehearsing Every Friday, our group of talented

Drama pupils would gather at BGGS, conjuring the courage to face the seemingly millions of Grammar Boys swarming across our path. However, it was the BGS Drama students that gave us the support itechnically and morallyI that eventually resulted in The Finn9 Lihe being performed As I reflected on the experience after our final performance, I remembered the stressful times that we had all worked through. But it seemed to me that the memories that stood out most strongly were of the enjoyable times it was within this relatively short period of time that we spent together, that

some of the strongest friendships were made

When I was first presented with the role of Stage Manager for the 2002 Senior Production, I was Instantly filled with fear. The cause of this fear was simple, I had never heard of a 'Stage Manager But thankful Iy, Mrs Murphy IOUr Directorj answered this question by presenting me with a ten-page description on the '101 Duties of a Stage Manager: Upon reading this, I promptly returned home and advised my mother and father that they may not be rejoicing over my school results as much as in previous terms

It is impossible for me to thank the countless numbers of people who helped, contributed and supported us through this seemingly uriachievable feat. I thank everyone for the memories that I have received from this experience and I hope that those involved gained as much from this as I did

Audience Review

As a female front row audience

member of the 2002 Senior

Production The F1/^^g Lihe, I thoroughly enjoyed the evening's performance. The production presented the social constraints facing women of today and foregrounding that until these constraints are destroyed, women's liberation can not progress The performance had a great depth of talent and special mention must go to Liz Logan for her light-hearted rendition of the female reproductive system and also to Bella for her outstanding David Attenborough impersonation. The combination of the serious issues facing women of today with the light-hearted relief of stereotypes created an intriguing atmosphere and resulted in an inspiration al production

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