2002 School Magazine
drama club pertor a CG
Drama Club
Drama Club this Year has been an enormous success. The Year started with a variety of workshops which aimed to enhance the dramatic techniques of all members of Drama Club. These workshops included, Trestle Mask and acrobatic performance The girls particularly enjoyed these workshops as they broadened their minds and added physicality to drama Taking a different approach from Years past, play building was introduced to the girls. They found play building challenging. however, many interesting and valuable Ideas were developed A common theme within these ideas was that of communication throughout the ages. This allowed a collage of plays to be selected and adapted to effectiveIy incorporate this theme. This new approach allowed many girls to have lead and speaking parts in the three plays Earlier in the year. other performance skills such as counterpoints and the wave technique were explored. This has once again expanded the girls' view of drama as well as allowing the three plays to be linked together to form a relevant and flowing performance
This was followed by research into technological advancements and communication ough the ages which then became t basis of the links between the plays The ideas that spawned from play building. the workshops. research and much rehearsing eventually CUIminated into a one night only performance on Saturday 19 October It has been a pleasure leading such a creative and competent group of dramatists and we wish the Captains of 2003 the same successes and fun that we have experienced
Georgino Porkec Emily Rowe and Leoh R, cko, ds
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