2002 School Magazine


-c rricul r a

philosophy caf^! and public speaking

popular in many cities in the Western world. including Australian capital cities However, BGGS is the first secondary school in Australia to institute its own Caf Philo The Cafe operates as an Informal symposium where all interested members of the school community, past and present, engage in reflection upon, and discussion of, the ideas of a range of influential thinkers, and consider the significance of these ideas both for society and for the individual. In the Cafe tradition, good coffee and good food accompany the evening's discussion The inaugural meeting was held in May, and was a resounding success. The foc of the evening centred on two contemporary French thinkers. Dr Robyn Colwill provided provocative insights into Jacques Derrida and poststructuralism. and Mr Doriald Pincott presented a lively overview of Monique Withg. This was followed by an animated discussion of notions of the social constructed ness of the self The free and open eXchange of ideas among present students, former students, parents, staff, members of the Board and other members of the school community is very stimulating, often highly entertaining, and certainly rewarding for all involved At a subsequent Philosophy Cafe in July. Ms Karen Belbin gave an informed and informative overview of 519mund Freud and his theories and teachings. This led to a frank interchange of ideas, a few Freudian slips. and more than a little introspection! The next Cafe will be presented by two former students who are currently undergraduates. The atmosphere of our meetings is characterised by a mutual respect for. and interest in ideas, and this has proved conducive to the free and frank eXchange of insights and opinions. The Philosophy Cafes have proved a welcome addition to the intellectual and social life of the school

BGGS Philosophy Cafe Introduced into the school for the first time in 2002. the Philosophy Cafe 15 an initiative of the Principal, Mrs Am anda Bell. The opportunity for philosophical contemplation and discussion clearly stimulates an enhanced understanding and awareness of our inner and outer existence. and of the world around us. The Cafe thus occupies a singular and important educational space in the co-curricular life of the school. Whilst Philosophy is widely studied in the curriculum of many secondary schools in Europe, and forms a compulsory component of the Year 12 Baccalaureat in France, a recognition of its importance in the intellectual and personal development of the individual student is still quite novel in Australia. The concept of Philosophy Cafes originated in Par s, although these have now become very

Dr R. Co!will

Public Speaking The School is involved in some public speaking competitions such as the Lions Youth of the Year and Plain English Speaking. This Year Am anda Goldsmith was a state final ist in Plain English and spoke at the Parliamentary Annexe early in Augu Am anda found the experience a rewarding one, and the audience could not fail to be impressed at the standard that these articulate Young people from across Queensland reach in their speaking and their range of involvement in the community Also in August both Junior and Senior Merle Weaver Public Speaking competitions were conducted. The Year 12 students rose magnificently to the challenge of this contest at a particularly busy period in their calendar. The winner, Sarah Hancock spoke with passion and conviction not only in her prepared speech on Australia's future as a Republic but also in her impromptu speech which drew great acclamation from her peers The Junior Merle Weaver competition, open to Year 10 students, proved that the future of the School is in the hands of thoughtful and articulate Young women Emily See was the winner in a tightly fought contest Both these competitions are a forum for clear expression and entertaining performance. just as was intended by Miss Weaver when she endowed this award

Junior Mene We over Competitors

Mrs H. Gemghty

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