2002 School Magazine
ar act'v'ti s tournament of minds
Tournament of Minds
"BY participating in TOM You will encounter all manner of perplexing problems. curious creativity and tight teamwork. This is an opportunity to show what You can do in just about everything from drama and writing to academia and music With Tournament, You create the boundaries and then get to stretch them. "
Moths a Eng, neering First PIOce winners at B, 1st one North Regionol Event
This is the catchcry of the organisers of Tournament of Minds and this Year a fantastic number of girls took on this challenge. During Term Two, the girls attended workshops focussed on skills such as teamwork. scriptwriting and dramatic presentation. Their goal during Term Three was to develop a solution to a problem from one of the three disciplines: Maths and Engineering, Language and Literature. and Social Sc'ence. Fundraising to pay for entry fees and materials is encouraged, so the girls organised and ran a successful popcorn stall at the School Seven teams from Years 8.9 and 10 made it to the Brisbane North Regional Event on Sunday, September 15. The girls were a credit to the Schoo and presented organised, creative and thoughtful responses to the problem on the day. Both Language and Literature teams and two Social Science teams were rewarded for their efforts when they received Honours. The Maths and Engineering team of A1ison Plant, Katrina Ham, Sandy Cheng, Megan Pitty and Emma Di Marco were awarded First Place in their section. Katharine Milne did a fantasticjob of facilitating this team through the five week problem period. These girls, joined by Breana Cohen, represented the region at the State Finals at the University of Queensland on Sunday, September 15 I am confident that next Year, girls will return to Tournament of Minds. either as team members or focilitators, to meet the challenge of "stretching the boundaries'!
Mrs I. Edwords TOM Coordinator
Pirote: Shohedoh Sobdio dressed in her costume for the Brisbane North Regionol Event
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