2002 School Magazine

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iviti s Duke of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh Award The mission of the Duke's Award is to provide opportunities and encouragement to Young people between the ages of 14 and 25 Years. The conceptis one of individual challenge. Each person designs their own program and sets their goals in a way that meets their own individual needs and interests. Whether at Bronze, Silver or Gold level, it presents Young people a balanced, non-competitive program of voluntary activities that encourage personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility to themselves and service to the community. It S an excellent way for Young people to build physical, social and emotional skills. and to develop the self-esteem and confidence that you get by meeting the challenges re set for Yourself. Many young people like things to happen immediately but this program requires and recognises regular effort and commitment over a period of time. In a way it is I'ke a marathon. not a sprint

The value and significance of the Award for the participant is directly proportiona to the quality of the experiences the candidate selects and organises, and the degree of personal commitment that they invest. The Scheme is often misunderstood and the results underestimated, but employers value the commitment demonstrated, knowing that time management, co-operation, teamwork and endurance are required by those who complete an Award We must all thank the staff at jinbil for their efforts in training the girls for the Expedition Section and for the time they give to act as assessors on Test weekends it would be difficult to imagine how we would cope without them

Those who have achieved Awards deserve our congratulations. Their names are recorded below

Mrs M. MCAdom Coordinotor



Rebecca AMer

Adrienne Burrow

Penny BCulton Tara Brocklebank Georgina Brown Denise Cheung Sarah Cohen Lucy Corke Rachel Davis

Katharine Croft

Alexandra Dyer Courtney Einerson Lucy Hall Kathryn Ham fomara Ham Katrina Torrensan

Prudence Gillett

GOLD AWARD Sarah Hiley

Natalie Grimn

Kathryn Ham Katrina Ham Kaya Kahawita Matet Lester Julia Lloyd Lindsay MCGrath Mar 12200ij A1ison Plant Shahedah Sabdia Anna Taylor Katrina Torrensan

Sofah Hi!ey Gold Awo, d Winner

An it a Zorzetto


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