2002 School Magazine
rowing .
Rowing The 2002 Grammar rowing season started, and ended, with each crew carrying on the tradition of excellence in rowing. The leadership from both the Year 115 and 125 ensured each girl was to enjoy her season, and a wonderful feeling of team spirit and camaraderie pervaded the school boat shed as the Grammar rowers prepared for another brilliant six months of training. racing, and fun Selection trials were held during second term and the results from both the sculling and ergo tests showed a great deal of promise for the racing season. The Year 85 took part in their first sculling trial held at Wivenhoe Dam and performed admirably, much to the delight of the coaches. it was obvious to all that Grammar rowing was to have a successful season ahead After weeks of selection trials had been held, very tough decisions were made to choose the rowers for the First and Second Eights. With a week to go before the holidays and the annual rowing camp. the First Eight for 2002 was announced Prudence Healey, Tess O'Gorman. Emma Herron, Kathleen MCBryde. Jordan Dadtzer. Amelia Beer, Emma Ward. Rachel Williams and Amy Heading. Mirenda Clarke, Constance Duncombe. Elizabeth Cochrane. Sophie Be reins, Susan Spence, Genevieve Storie. Elizabeth Harrison, Joanna Moore and Charlotte Purcell were selected as members of the 2002 Second Eight The 2002 senior Grammar rowing camp. held at the Maroochy River Holiday Resort, was a founding week for crews to work together on their technique and power and to have some fun. At the end of each day. crews competed in race-offs to gain further experience which would serve them well In the weeks ahead
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2 Rowing Coptoin: Constonce Duncombe
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