2002 School Magazine


sailing c u

championships. Coaches, Julia Patterson and Check Wardell. also past Grammar students and sailing captains must also be thanked for bringing the I skills and laughter to all other teams To the Sailing Coordinator, Mr Greatorex, the club expresses its gratitude for his tireless and very supportive efforts in assisting the smooth running of the Sailing Club From the return of a much loved newsletter. 'Tell Tales", to a new rubber duckie. the sailing club has had a Year where the results speak for the exceptional effort put in by all sailing club members

their International 420 sailing dinghy During the summer season of 2001/2002, they placed second overall in the Open Queensland State Championships. as well as becoming the State Youth Champions for 2001 From there they travelled to Perth. to compete at the 420 National Titles. being selected in the Australian team for the World titles in Portugal Past Grammar student and sailing captain. Sarah Roberts-Thornpson. worked hard to motivate and train the Girls' and junior teams for the state

fun filled training session with parent and experienced sailor, Martin MCLean. in order to consolidate their new skills With some of our senior girls assisting as instructors, this racing skills course proved to be beneficial to all the participants. as they became more confident in their skippering and basic boat trim A number of girls also participated in the Winter and Spring series fleet racing regattas. Captains, Anna Patterson and Emma Poulsen. also sailed together in club fleet racing in

Sailing Sailing has once again proven to be a most successful and popular sport at Grammar in 2002. With students being attracted to its unconventional nature, the Sailing Club has increased its numbers to accommodate a diverse range of talented Young skippers and crews. Five teams were entered in the Interschool Teams Racing Championship series held in Term I at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron IRQYS). With mixed success in results. great fun was had by all involved, whilst improving sailing skills and forging new friendships The arrival of Easter saw Grammar girls sacrificing their holidays and training hard In preparation for the Junior and Open Interschool Teams Racing Championships. The Girls Grammar A team raced extremely well in the Open Division to make the cut of Gold Fleet and further their achievements to place fifth overall against the eleven other boys' and mixed fleet teams. With this outstanding result, Grammar once again won the interschool Girls Teams Racing Championship for the seventh Consecutive Year To top this accomplishment, the senior team was also awarded the Regional Girls Teams Racing Championship. The team consisted of Anna Patterson, Victoria Fleming, Emma Poutsen. Rebecca AMer, Me11nda Sirianni, Stephanie Palmer and Kiri Flutter The inexperienced but talented junior team also trained with an impressive work ethic to improve greatly in preparation for the competition and placed an admirable fifth place overall The team comprised of Kiri Flutter. Katrina Ham, Stephanie Early, tours The Mother's Day breakfast held at RaYS was a great success. achieving us goal of promoting a sense of cohesion between the Grammar sailors, parents and friends. After eating copious amounts of bacon, eggs, toast and orangejuice, the enthusiasticjunior sailors headed out on the water for a Hediets. Jane MCMahon, Jillian Svanberg and Madeleine Brady

Anno Potterson und Einino Foulsen Coptoins






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