2002 School Magazine




took a commendable 5 wickets for 25 runs at an average of 5.0. Iillian Stack 1159 runs at an average of 39.51. Laura Kidd 1122 runs at an average of 17.41 and Nicole Cheales 173 runs at an average of 14.61 shone through in the batting. 11/11an and Laura, the keeper, were also valuable in the field taking 4 and 8 catches respectively. Overall, the season for the 1st xi was extremely rewarding, and the future prospects of the team look very promising Captained by Georgia Harburg, the 2nd Xi started the season brightly, going into the Christmas holidays with only one loss. The second half of the season proved to be much more difficult for the girls, although they still managed to finish in a very respectable joint fourth place. The excellent bowling of Julia Almond, along with the batting skills of Georgia Harburg 174 runsj and Hope Adams. helped the team immensely. Again. the team this season consisted of many new faces, which made the end result all the more rewarding

The 3rd XI, captained by Madelin Newman had perhaps one of their best seasons on record. Playing in the tough second division. they proved they were a force to be reckoned with, and ended up tying in fourth place with the 2nd Xi. All girls contributed greatly to the team, although Tamazyn Kettleton must be coinmended for her powerful batting averaging 14 for the season The team was filled with Young players, so the upcoming season will undoubtedly be very successful with so many of the girls carrying on together as a team Finally, the 4th XI. captained by Tullia Jack, Claire Kelly and Louise Manitzky had a remarkable season, finishing in joint third place. The girls showed great enthusiasm throughout the season, which paid off in the final result. Louise Manitzky and Claire Kelly must be coinmended for their strength in bowling throughout the season. and 58rah Robinson contributed greatly with her consistent wicket-keeping skills. Again. the team 15 comprised of many young faces. making the next season look extremely promising it is with regret that after twenty Years, BGGS Cricket says goodbye to Mr

Roger Warren, coach of the 1st XI. who has displayed enormous dedication over the Years' He was widely acknowledged at the end-of-season dinner, where his efforts were rewarded with various items of memorabilia We wish him all the best in his retirement, and thank him profusely for his time spent with the School Thanks must also go to the other coaches and team managers Julia Price 11st xi coachl, Greg Bland 11st Xi managerI, Antonia Coininos 12nd xi coach). Catrin Charles-Edwards 12nd Xi managed. Rick Bowman 13rd Xi coach, Ienifer Charles-Edwards 13rd xi manager), Kylie Gray 14th xi coachj and Fiona Gray 14th Xi managerI. A big thank You to the Cricket Co- obinator Mr Brendan Thomas for all his hard work throughout the season. Mr Ron CDChrane IBGSj must also be thanked for his ongoing support of BGGS Cricket, and for his generous loan of the Northgate playing fields The 2001/2002 season proved to be extremely rewarding and could not have been achieved without the support of these people

Cricket this Year was reduced to four teams from the original five, allowing for more personal ised training sessions and resulting in great depth in each team. Thus, BGGS Cricket again proved its strength across all divisions throughout the 2001/2002 season The 1st XI. captained by Iillian Stack, showed a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and determination throughout the season. With many faces new to the team. some of whom had never played before. the team powered through their matches, qualifying for the Metropolitan North finals against St Margaret's. after being named joint minor premiers. Things did not go their way on the day, but the final proved to be a nerve-racking match, with the Grammar score being beaten on the second last ball of the final over by St Margaret's Amy Cunning ham had the best bowling figures for the season with 10 wickets for 71 runs 17.1 averagei. Jillian Stack

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I. Hope Adorns, Second Xi 2 touro Kiddin action for the firstXl 3. lull^b lock offers Mayo Chenon encourogement and odv, ce 4. So close. the fih01 o901nst 51 MargaretS



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5. IOUro Kidd Decepts o catch 6. Vick, Fleming o1 Northgote


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