2002 School Magazine
rhytmic gymnastics .GSS A so. it ,
On 26 July a practice competition was held at More ton Bay College prior to the aGSSSA competition. enabling the new Grade Eights and the B Grade team to familiarize themselves with the atmosphere, nerves and adrenaline that come with situations as these. For many, this was their first opportunity to compete as rhythmic gymnasts. a task that can be quite daunting, but the challenge was met and the girls all performed confidently The aGSSSA rhythmic gymnastics competition, held on 9 August, proved to be an extremely successful and fulfilling conclusion to the season. The three Year 8 teams began the day with beautiful performances, achieving the top three places in their competition. Their efforts set the mood for the rest of the night and Grammar spirits were kept high as weiourneyed our way to victory The B Grade team followed, continuing to display the strong talent of Grammar gymnasts. First positions were achieved in all five divisions of this competition A special mention must go to all these girls on their tireless efforts and stunning performances The A Grade competition started later in the evening, beginning with the pairs All girls performed admirably, particularly the rope pair of Claire Corones and Rebecca Bennet and the stunning and faultless hoop routine of Eliza Gower and Am anda Lee See whose scores were combined to achieve the premiership in the A Grade pairs division. Am anda and Eliza were later called back to encore their winning routine, leaving the crowd stunned and Grammar proud of such talented gymnasts The competition came to an end with the final performance of the A Grade groups Grammar's strong routine achieved a convincing second place, a truly remarkable effort against such tough competition Grammar's gymnasts experienced stunning success this Year, winning seven out of the possible eight premierships A huge thank you must go to the team for their committed training and efforts, including two hours on Saturdays However. without the tireless enthusiasm and support of the coaches, Ellena Papas, Meryl Papas, Celia Corones and Andrea Noon, such success would not have been possible. We would also like to thank our co-ordinator, Mrs Robbins and Mrs Harvey-Short for their ongoing support throughout the season and we wish future gymnasts the very best for the Years ahead
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