2002 School Magazine

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rhythinic gymnastics


Rhythmic Gymnastics Rhythmic Gymnastics over the Years has truly become an integral part of Grammar's identity. This Year was 00 exception with a sea of blue monopolizing the audience at the aGSSSA competition. Training had begun many months prior to this event, with the choreography and the refining of both body and apparatus technique during the first and second terms The enthusiasm of the Year 8 gymnasts and their enthusiasm and work ethic was such that three teams were entered to cater for numbers. Most of these girls had little or 00 experience in rhythmic gymnastics but their positive attitudes and high spirits shone through and skills immensely Improved With a B grade team that comprised of A grade tennis, water polo, netball and softball players, the coaches and girls had a lot of work to do to achieve the grace and fluency required of rhythmic gymnasts The Inter house rhythmic competition was held once again this Year, after missing the previous two Years. Grimth House must be congratulated for their winning pair of Victoria Cameron and bura CTaig. Eliza Gower won the individual competition Congratulations to Gibson House who placed first in the overall competition

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I. KnSti'n Sitmon und Kitby Short in perfect combihotion 2. A Ginde 8011 teom give a powerful and expressive performonce 3. Ajisho Mug1 18 Grade}

4. reom Coptoins: Cloud^^ lockson 10 and Errzo Gower 5. CIOire Corones and Rebecco BennetC expert rope pair 6. The gince rind control of A Orode Ribbon poit. Amy I'Effer ond Louren Burrow 7. An exuberont performance from legon Wotts 18 Grade! 8. Thrilled Year 8 Winners: NitiSheth, Anno CFOig. Einino of Moreo and PhDebe Puren 9. The superb controlond style of El^to Gower 10XriSty Scandret^ Kote MCConn, touro CFOig und Suson Bird 18 Ginde!, the epitome of teamwork 11. Victoria Corneron rel and Cloud^^ Jackson 14 Ginde!: symmetry und precisibn


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