2002 School Magazine
cross cou nth/ aGSSSA sp rt
On Saturday 25 May. the 2002 Cross Country Team left for Limestone Park to run in the much-anticipated aGSSSA meet The day did not start auspiciously. with wet grey skies and an uncooperative bus Eighty-five girls full of energy and enthusiasm quickly overcame these obstacles. After motivating the team with numerous war cries, the 13 Years were the first to race the 3km course. SIX Grammar competitors finished in the top twenty positions and were awarded the 13 Years championship. This was the best result of any of our age groups on the day. The 14 Years, who were next to compete, can be proud of their achievements. Battling bouts of illness this age group managed to finish in an astonishing fourth position. The 15 Years were the first age group to battle the 4km course. After running a tough race. they placed a well-deserved second. With the help of a winning run from Felicity Abram. the 16 Years age group placed second Hnally, the 17 Years ran, winning their age group premiership for the fifth consecutive Year. This was an outstanding achievement which fulfilled the challenge set to them by the Cross Country Captains of 1998. As a follow-on from these hard- earned results, the BGGS Cross Country Team continued the Grammar tradition by winning the Aggregate aGSSSA Cross Country Cup After celebrating at our annual dinner, many girls continued on to represent Grammar at the Metropolitan North Championships. From this. Rachel Ferris. Annelise Kerr. Sigrid Mewing, Cassandra Robinson. Amy Cunning ham and Fellcity Abram were selected to compete at the Queensland Secondary Schools Cross Country Championships. Felicity Abram was then chosen to represent Queensland at the National Championships Grammar's future in Cross Country promises to be challenging and enjoyable. The successful outcomes of the 2002 Cross Country Season are a reflection of outstanding talent, intense training and true sportsmanship. This Year's Captains, Annabelle Matthews and Victoria Royle wish Grammar Cross Country many more Years of success and issue the challenge to the girls of Year 82002: to be age champions for five consecutive Years of representing the School
Annobel!e MDtthew und Victorio Royle Copto, ns
I Victorious coptoins. Vietono Royle it/ and Annobel!e Mulchews hold the precious pennonts 2 Fel^tityAbrom or IIJ encouroged by her Schools support 3. The focus of Onino Surko 4. 15 yenrs tenmwork: KOIe Leitch (1). Monique Rowles ond Cossondro Robinson 5. Year 10 0thletes pound out the "hord refds': 11-Rj Sofah lones, CIOre North, RDS!yn Godfrey 6. Koto Robihson epitomises Year 12 determination 7. The ultimote in House spy7it Woolcockions Meero Srinivoson Grid Modelerne Bindy 8. interhouse colour
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