2002 School Magazine
original works
The Tree
The picture of the oak tree was a birthday present from his Youth. He moved much in his life, but never without this picture. Despite failing eyesight he swore the tree grew with him - its leaves now brown and sparse. He was buried with it, an empty frame
Roche! titster 10 Liney Mythologico! Bust
Anno Cronin 10 Gibson
Winner of the Junior Section of the BGGS Very Short Story Competition. 2002
A Crime of a Different Sort
Silently and quickly he stalked his victim. urging it not to run. He hid in the shadows. hardly breathing, ready to PDUnce. Each stared at the other. It was or never. He lunged His teeth, not sinking into his victim. rebounded. As he dropped Rubber Mou Cat felt success
Cussondro Doy 10 Woolcock
Cothenne Dowson 10 Hirschfeld Mythologico! Bust
Runner-up in the Junior Section of the BGGS Very Short Story Competition. 2002
Gravity A1anna looked into the bright sun, as she was enjoying the last moments before work. Squinting. she tried to make out the figure far below. Suddenly, he grabbed her from behind. Shocked, she screamed, realising she has over-balanced The ground rushed towards her. Whoosh! Her parachute caught the air She floated. A1anna loved being a sky-diver
legon Wotts 10 Woolcock MythologicolBust
touro Gillett Spender 11 Griffith
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Highly Coinmended in the Senior Section of the BGGS Very Short Story Competition. 2002
Hannoh liney 10 I"!ey Mythological Bust
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