2002 School Magazine
original works
The Knife
As I reached for the drawer, the sweat on my palm increased. Curiosity had got the better of me and I wasn't certain of the consequences. I heaved open the knife drawer and chose a weapon. in the reflection of the blade I saw my victim The vegemitejar
Moronret Looke 10 61bson
Highly Coinmended in the Junior Section of the BGGS Very Short Story Competition. 2002
Sophia Warden 11 Grimth Sculpture
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Breonno Ryon 12 0'Connor Architecturo! Model
He noticed an unusual looking man opposite him. He took a quick glimpse and the man did the same. He stared at the man. The man stared back, challenging him. Determined, he distorted his expression further, but the man only copied. After continuous efforts, he finally gave up and walked away from the mirror
lessico Rothnie 11 Engiond
Huhly Coinmended in the Senior Section of the BGGS Very Short Story Competition. 2002
Koie Robinson 12 Hitschfeld visions of Self joetoi"
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