2002 School Magazine

original works

Harry Potter: weak or strong? After surviving the attempted murder by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort and being badly treated by the Dursleys, Harry Potter must overcome h's weaknesses brought about by the adversities of his early life. As he began his studies at Hogwarts, he must use his strength to prove himself in the wizard world Harry was reluctantly cared for by the Dursleys. Deprived of love, he never had friends and was bullied continuously by his cousin, Dudley. His round glasses were held together by a lot of tape because of all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. This unfortunate upbringing caused Harry to be shy and full of self- doubt. Even though he had strange powers such as the ability to communicate with animals. he still questioned himself. I. . A wizard? Him?" On Platform nine and three-quarters Harry had been secretly worrying about how well he would do at the school. "I bet I'm the worst in the class, " he thought. To rediscover himself, Harry must learn through his new experiences outside the Dursley's home Harry always felt disturbed and pained whenever the subject of his parents was mentioned. He must resolve this internal conflict of the loss of his parents. When he looked into the Mirror of Erised, which revealed not his face but his heart's desire, Harry "had a powerful kind of ache inside him, halfjoy, half terrible sadness as he looked at his parents" As advised by Dumbledore, Harry must "concentrate on the present and what lies in the future" to fight the dark force Fortunately, the miserable life with the Dursleys did not affect Harry's courage to face the unknown challenges at Hogwarts. He was able to stand up to the bullying from Malfoy. He overcame Professor Snape who always undermined his popularity and finally Harry won the ultimate challenge of protecting the Philosopher's Stone At the end of year celebration Harry deserved these words from Dumbledore, I for pure nerve and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor sixty points" Although Harry was easily disturbed by the image of his parents, he remained very focussed on tasks that he needed to accomplish. He never lost sight of protecting the Philosopher's Stone. He always kept a close eye on any suspects such as Professor Snape. Immediately after clinching victory for Gryffindor in the Quidditch game, his mind switched back to his mission, "Harry's victory faded from his mind as he watched. He recognised the figure's prowling walk. Snape ..." "Plenty of courage. I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh my goodness, Yes - and a nice thirst to prove Yourself ..." With the help of his courage and focussed mind. Harry had come a long way, from his disadvantaged childhood to live up to the expectation of becoin'rig a renowned wizard

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