2002 School Magazine

original works

Wondering I look out upon the starry sky and wonder, What am I?

What are we really. the human race We act as though we. and on IY we, Are the intelligence that exists. And Yet with such great magnitude as the universe, Surely that cannot be

As I sit here, on the grass. I wonder, Could someone else. another girl. Be sitting far away, And wondering whether someone else feelsjust the same as she Across a million light Years, Though technology cannot reach,



I feel her thought and answer, I am here. Can You hear me?

Shono Giny 9 0'Connor


The face of a geisha

is a delicate cherry blossom petal - a gently rounded swath of alabaster suede Her lips appear like two. crimson, 91ace cherries pursed and luminous Not vacant are her eyes, But. like an immersed star-gazer - She steadily observes the world surrounding h

Sophie Ford 9 Gibson Approprioti'fig the FDst

This world is of highly regarded humanity It is a destination like 00 other - A place of brilliant costume - Kimonos of spectacular fabrics And sunsets that are completed by silhouettes of ancient temples - Cast onto the picturesque horizon She herself. is the epitome of aristocratic, Japanese society

But the words of a geisha Can never be her own -

She lives to become what she alread A radiant family asset - Who will never speak her mind In everything she does, she must be a flawless example of others She knows only one life - her own

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The price of her beauty and dispositi is of profound enormity

To be born a geisha, 15 to die- a geisha

Georgino Horsburgh Winner of MDry Alexis MDcmillon Pri?e fool 8,2001

Sunny Chen 9 Mockoy Approp, 10nng the Post

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