2002 School Magazine

original works


I am fake

A facade

I copy PIagiarise

Re-use and abus Replay and repe Regurgitate I do not create; for I cannot In essence I have no skill except as a master deceiver Counterfeit


I am shallow A shadow of life

Surreal A figment of my imagination - but not a creation for I do not create; I cannot I am a manifestation of dreams And of other's creations Though warped, I am a reproduction - And I am fake Rohoni Milche" Winner of Mon, Alexis MDcmi!!on Pn^ Year 10.2001

Curly fomgher 11 Gibson Sculpture

Mirin Fbtte, son 12 0'Connor Visions of Self Medollion Winner Exce"ence in Youth Art Awn, ds

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