2002 School Magazine
original works
Scratching For The Truth Bill knew they hated him. The morning he discovered the deep scratches in the gleaming paintwork of his new Holden Ute, he understood they meant business There were vicious. cruel rasps gouged into the bonnet. Bill felt like a furnace. full of fiery thoughts of revenge. Watching Gunther. the small boy next-door play innocently with his toys, was the only thing that could take Bill's mind off the destruction There was nothing remarkable about Bill. He was an ordinary man who preferred the safety of home and his well-worn grey checked shirt andjeans. The predictable work boots he wore had a comfortable. reassuring feel, and his grey, tousled hair. angular features and lean figure were familiar and unobtrusive. When Bill moved to Brisbane. he had thought the lovely scrub areas and abundance of wildlife at The Gap would provide for a relaxing and hard-earned retirement. But this scenario had turned out to be far from reality when the disturbances and vandalism started The disrespect for others and their property in this modern era appalled Bill He wished it were within his power to do something about it. As Bill watched Gunther, he wondered about the boy's future in a word where people had no concern or thought for others Next day, the sun was shining and Bill resolved to be optimistic about life and his neighbours. That is, until he saw the mulch scattered about his garden and his treasured plants uprooted. He knew this time they had gone too far. They'd found his weak spots. what made him simmer inside and he knew they intended to use this knowledge against him "How's a man supposed to go about life, if he's in fear of others? The whole world's a mob of turkeys!" Gunther watched as Bill strode and strutted. fumed and fluffed, gobbled and clucked. Bill would never trust society again. Never be a part of things Never belong if this was the way things turned out. There were 00 answers to be had. No explanations Bill's eyes followed Gunther's chubby finger and there in the top of an acacia in the bushland. were two scrub turkeys There was the opponent, his enemy. the source of all his frustration and dislocation, the cause of all those showers of fury and hate that spun and catherine-wheeled inside "Geez You're funny, Mr Bill. You lookjustlike them. "
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Heren Boney 12 Liney Visions of Self Highly Coinmended Mintsterts Award for Excellence in Art Certificate of Merit Excellence in Youth Art Awards
Bill laughed and Gunther smiled
"Well 1'11 be blowed, " said Bill
Bill had thought birds had small brains, but the scheming, counter-foiling scrub turkey, which slid 10th Iy down the bonnet of his Ute, and his arrogant mate who strode masterfulIy through Bill's flowerbeds, were more than a match for him Scratching for the truth had helped Bill to discover his unsociable neighbours He'd learn to live harmoniously with them Yet
Rochel I, ?rris 8 Grimth
Emily Luxton 11 England Landscope
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