2002 School Magazine
creative a rts faculties
Drama ventures off Campus In Term Three. Year 12 Drama was given the opportunity to collaborate, rehearse and perform their class productions at the Brisbane Arts Theatre. it was exciting to work in a theatre that has produced artistic practitioners like Iill Shearer IPIaywright) and Iennifer Flowers Iactor, directorl. Also the girls saw Carol Burns playing Dame Mary GIImore in the recent OTC production of 81/10nd Mary She started her theatrical career over 30 Years ago in the first children's production of Hansel and Gretel at the Brisbane Arts Theatre. This gave valuable incentive to students contemplating working in the Performing Arts Industry This historic theatre is a short walk from School giving Drama students valuable experience in a commercial theatrical venue. Students negotiated the use of space, exits. entrances and linking their plays successfully to produce seamless productions The class were able to use specialist props. costumes and sets to enhance their plays The Foilen Star (122) and Refractions112.1j were successful performances and allowed students to enjoy the magic of the theatre
Ms K Meeklem
The Great Greek
During Term 2, Year 10 students studied a unit titled 'The Great Greekl The unit examined the impact of Greek Theatre exploring ritual, movement, mask and choral work. The main text used was The EUmenides': Upon completion of the unit students presented a group- devised piece in the Greek style Teachers provided the source material from a contemporary tragedy and students built and performed a drama
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