2002 School Magazine

faculties resource and learning initiatives

Stepping into the future.

Our classes also took time to contemplate the ecological paths we may choose to travel. Based on the Survivor show, our "Planet Survivor" activity helped us to understand the role we play in our environment and how our actions affect it Then, in order to put our good ideas into action. we joined with the World Wildlif Fund and Gympie Landcare in a project to revegetate the banks of Yabba Creek, home to the endangered Mary River Cod. Through our work, and that of future students, it is hoped that breeding stock will once again be common h the Mary River and its tributar'es Each class planted a ceremonial Bunya pine in a rehabilitation zone on site at the Centre. Buried with each of those Bunya pines was a promise that each girl made to the Earth. These promises were shared with the ent're class at the tree planting This completed the Imbil component of the Earth Steps programme, which then continued with the girls and their teacher in Brisbane It was great to hear back from students who made their own small meaningful steps in creating a healthy Earth for everyone. Students found ways to conserve water, reduce greenhouse emissions and minimise waste. Some of the students us ideas taken from the Earth Steps link on the jinbil page of GrammarNet Congratulations girls as You continue on your journey as custodians of this very special land


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and less and I got up and talked to the class about packing a pack and what to take on camp out and so on. It was good practice for speaking in front of a group of our 150rt on peers. .. we both had English orals to do when we got back to school Campout was an adventure - enjoyed by some more than others. I had a great tme, despite the rain. he aw packs, hills and the constant fear of attack by parasitic insects. I felt quite liberated by the time we reached the second campsite near Summer Creek Falls. It was a truly beautiful spot and the view from the clifts was quite unexpected - they started about five or so metres from Mr Seaha and Mr Walt's tent! The stars that night, which I saw while collecting water from the creek, were spectacular. It is night skies like that you walk miles for I remember that our camp seniors in Year 9 didn't have to carry a pack, and neither did the staff. Everyone who went on campout on our camp. including Mr. Seaha, Mr. Walt, Cat, less and I had to carry packs I think this made it more of a challenge for

Camp Senior When I first saw all the 101 girls waiting for the bus on Monday morning, 6 May. I though to myself, "I have never seen some of these girls before!" less echoed my thoughts and we knew the week would present us both with many challenges. The first half an hour or so up at jinbil was a little nerve wrecking, as neither of us really knew what to do with ourselves. We bus'ed ourse ves in the kitchen and tried to feel more than a few months older than the 101 girls. At that point, camp senior tra'ning camp seemed so long ago! Later. Mr. Munnings took us through the week and what was expected of us. and I began to feel a little more secure in the role of camp Monday lunchtime was weird - the firs time for less and I eating with the stain We were served before all the girls and gained some insight into the different groups that existed in the class. That afternoon was a bit of fun - games down near the duck pond and getting to know names and faces Monday night was campout prep, senior

the girls and for us, because it emphasised the feeling that You really were removed from 'civilisation' and the comforts of home. This experience - the essential Year 10 camp experience - really brings out the best and worst in people and is a good test of the group's abi ity to function as a cohesive unit Our role as camp seniors. as Mr Munnings expla'ned at the start of the week, was more of a subtle one, because we weren't really that much older than the girls. in fact, talking to Maddie as we walked along after canoeing on the first morning, I found out that she was actually older than both Jess and I! I think the narrow age gap made Jess and I look for other ways to support the girls. One of these ways was to remain in a cheerful mood for the whole week, despite the physical challenges of campout. We also both tried to talk to the girls and cheer them up as we were walking, either by giving them a boost up a hill or just chatting. I got to know some of the girls fairly well this way Jess and I agree that, while challenging, it was a highly worthwhile week and

we both got a lot out of it. As well as getting to know the girls in 101, it was a chance to understand the staff better and see what a teacher's job really involves. Mr Seaha deserves a special mention for looking after all the little things around camp - cooking, washing up, cheerfully putting up with 18 or so Year 10s, two camp seniors and making fantastic cheesecake. I feel privileged to have gone on camp with such legendary staff. Seeing the girls from a staff perspective has opened my eyes to the merits of working with Young people. This is a career path that I had dismissed before but now see as another possibility Being a camp senior for 101 was a fantastic, challenging experience through which I have come to realise and learn a lot of things about myself, about leadership roles and about some aspects of life in general. If possible I hope to be a camp senior again next Year

Anno Ibylor

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