2002 School Magazine
faculties resource and learning initiatives
Memorial Outdoor Education Centre
Earth Steps
The rain beats steadily down on the tarpaulin stretching overhead; the scene below is somewhat out of the ordinary. Staff are milling around in white aprons serving hors d'oeuvres and sparkling wine toon-alcoholic of course). Students and special guests are perusing the wonderful collection of Earth Art on display. Classical music plays in time with the steady beat of the rain. The Year 8 Earth Steps - Earth Art display is in full swing During the fun packed week, Year 8 students participate in 10 Earth Steps sessions designed to help them explore the natural environment, understand how people affect it and identify ways they can contribute to helping create a healthier planet
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Stepping back in time.
Stepping back in time we unearthed past cultures as a local aboriginal guide. Beverley Hand, shared her family history and showed us some of the plants and animals that are important to the local Indigenous people the Gubbi Gubbi. Many classes even got to sample some of the bush tucker like the native ginger fruit. Beverley's stories and passion for the land have helped us to appreciate the importance of better understanding our land. These sessions with Beverley opened our eyes to the complex relationships that exist between flora. fauna and seasons. We have been oblivious to these relationships due to our lack of connection to this land. Beverley's message was clear - we need to spend more time in our environment learning, observing and bu'Iding a relationship. Like any relationsh'p it takes time, effort and commitment
The centre is committed to provide foaming environment in whith students participote in innovative outdoor experiences in on atmosphere of support, respect and core. These experiences nurture independent, spirit filled, empotheti young women willing to work together to make positive contributions to their environment and communities
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