2001 School Magazine
farewell : . 5
it 15 now our tom to celebrate your schoollife and to soy farewell to you. A Student Perspective When Mrs Hancock first came to Brisbane Girls Grammar In 1977, the School looked a very different place An energetic building and landscaping program has certainly altered the appearance of the site but a learning community 15 more than bricks and pavers these developments. innovations in the performing arts, physical and outdoor education, technology, and the academic curriculum have transformed Grammar into more than just a place of learning Order of Australia. Her position as Principal has also led her to meet a number of people of high standing, the most notable of these include Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, two former Prime Ministers, Mr Paul Keating and Mr Bob Hawke. and the former Governor-General, Sir William Deane While Mrs Hancock 15 looking forward to opening new doors and taking on new challenges in the wider community. her hope is that Grammar will continue to evolve In a~ehanging world scene. She 5^lieves that the School should not become inaccessible, and her dream is for a bursary fund that would allow any girl to attend
During her time as Principal, Mrs Hancock has guided thousands of girls through their high school years Despite this, she can still recollect each year group as being unique Her fondest and most enjoyable memories are of the girls - watching them grow and develop into lovely young women. She firmly believes in the importance of a program that allows the enormous potential of each girl to be realised Mrs Hancock's tireless efforts within the field of education have gained her the respect of many people
Mrs Hancock remembered the
Mrs Hancock has always "believed women had the potential to do anything at a time when they themselves and the rest of the community didn't believe It. " Twentyfive years reinforcing the idea that Grammar girls can do and be anything has ingrained this motto In the minds of the whole School community Mrs Hancock has certainly been the driving force behind changes in the School over the past quarter-century Expanding the girls' educational experience has formed the basis of
Queen for her graciousness and incredible memory. Paul Keating had a sensitivity and an awareness of the needs of the diverse range of Australian people Bob Hawke and his Education Minister, Susan Ryan. impressed her in relation to reform in the educational system They reviewed funding to non- Government schools in the context that choice 15 important in a democracy. She also identified strongly with Sir William Deane3 attitude to reconciliation and his commitment to "seeing it through:'
The sense offun. community and commitment of Girls Grammar are
what Mrs Hancock will miss the most
She will herself be remembered by the School community for her ability to open windows of opportunity for young women and to Instil in them the belief that"all things are possible if you work hard enoughl
Nil Sine Labore
CIOre Sounders and Geneweve momson
within the local and global community. Her remarkable
achievements were acknowledged last year when she was awarded the
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And what do her students say? "She 15 the nicest lady. so caring and understanding "
"When I was having trouble in Japanese class, she asked for me to see her, and when I did she was very kind and understanding. She helped me a lot. 1'11 be sad to see her go. " "Mrs Hancock has been an inspiration to Grammar girls for many years and has supported and guided us in all aspects of our schooling "
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"Hangers Rocks!"
"Mrs Hancock 15 an excellent role model and has succeeded in providing a wonderful learning environment for all girls that have passed through these gates The school will not be the same without her
"She's a good dancer. " - the Year 125
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