2001 School Magazine


Staff Consultants

Mrs Ann Farley Mr Gregory Bland Mrs Jacqueline Colwill Mrs Kristine Cooke Mr Peter Longland Mrs Torii Reddacliff

edit. 2001 has been quite a significant year, both internationally and within Brisbane Girls Grammar School As we complete the first year of the new millennium, we are taking time within this magazine to reflect upon the challenges and achievements of the past twelve months, and how we . I^

Mr John Rowell

Mrs Sandra Richardson

The year has, however not been without its sadder moments The tragedy of September I I shook the world, and BGGS with it A number of Grammar Girls were honoured to participate in Brisbane's Memorial Service, held in the nearby Roma Street Parklands

Mrs Anne Stubbing ton Mrs Linda Thomas

Student Committee

Clare Saunders (Editor) PIiya Cherian

Philippa Davie Jordan Dreitzer Ruth Falley A1yce Flew Catherine Geddes

Nerida Haberkern

Sarah Hancock

Kathryn Ham Tamara Ham

Talla Lachish

Kate Lilley Peta MCGrath

Raenuka Menon Alexandra Me Icer Monique Rowles Maria The odoros

Genevieve Thornson

Susan Vincent Anna Wa!sh

On a more personal note, 2001 marks the end of Mrs Hancock's time with us as Principal She shall certainly be missed both within the School and the community at large, and we thank her for all that she has given over the last twenty-five years The world is changing rapidly, and at Brisbane Girls Grammar School we recognise the need to change with It. As we look to the future, we are sure that we will continue to provide an Invaluable educational experience for allour girls, and open up to them a multitude of opportunities Girls can, and will, do anything

have emerged as a stronger. closer school community Girls Grammar has always had a reputation for excellence, and this year we strove to "Reach for the Stars" Our academic proficiency was proven to the world when a group of our senior students competed in the International Young Physicists Tournament in Vienna, and were placed second Grammar has repeatedly shown wonderful spirit and talent at the various QGSSSA sporting competitions throughout the year. in May, the Creative Arts Faculty had great success with the joint BGS/BGGS musical, Godspell More recently, Grammar had representatives in the 2001 Goodwil Games participating in both the sporting and performance events

Members of the committee o90nisin9 over the in osloppropnotephotos




Thankyou to the School Photogrophers reR) Alexondro Venordos, Vonesso Whiling, Chor!one Churchi!I, Erin Louiie, Ydondo forreson

CIO, e Sounders

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