2001 School Magazine

. ^ : farewell

A legacy - 25 years of vision and action "Always give of your best and don't expect everything to be done for you As your school motto says so plainly'Nothing without work:"1977 "... my aim is to maintain this school's high academic traditions while providing facilities that will allow individual students to reach their full potential as people and at the same time retain their individuality. " 1978 "Let us strive to open windows for them to glimpse the joys of wider learning, the beauties of the world, the support and richness of human relationships, and the reward of service to the community of all mankind. "1980 ". . there are not enough barriers built into our educational system to make the students realise how importantitis always to do their utmost. "1981 "In all we do we try always to encourage students to seek excellence and not to be content with the mediocre. " 1982 "Secondary schooling is just the end of a short phase of your life that leads you on to a period in which you must make decisions for yourselves in the light of knowledge you have already gained. " 1983 "... too many people within our society want schools to do what society and, in particular, the family group is no longer doing. "1984 " - our notion of an educated person suggests a more all-round type of development, one that will allow the full realisation of an Individual's potential and with it the development of a capacity to adapt to change. " 1985 " . schooling should reflect the entitlement of all women in their own right, to personal respect, to economic security and to participation in and influence over decisions which affect their lives. " 1986 "... determination "to strive, to seek. to find and not to yield11979

"... use the opportunities that you have already had, so that your life wi fulfilled through the contribution you can make to society. " 1987 "Therefore it is notjust Beauty, Truth and Maths that every child needs, but security. stability, confidence and encouragement to finish what has been started. " 1988 "What must be resisted at all costs, however, is the temptation to lower standards or to allow education to become the handmaiden of econom policy, and utilitarian in nature. "1989 "... computers are seen as valuable motivational and educational tools The School's philosophy is to use computers to educate, rather than educating about computers . . ." 1990 "Your gender has never been considered a deterrent to your capacity to learn, and your schooling has reflected your right to have access to the same quality of education as your brothers. " 1992 ". . develop a teaching and learning environment which will not only foster personal growth and encourage students to become independent, autonomous, flexible, life-long learners but which will also contribute to the improvement of the education of all. " 1993 ". education 15 a process which affirms the many different social and artistic realities of various peoples and various cultures " 1994 "What is far more important in the modern world 15 for young people to be given the capacity to think in the fullest sense of the word, to solve problems and to be capable of accepting and embracing change - not to be constrained by limited educational experiences "1995 "Each school is unique, just as each student in the school is unique. "1991




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