2001 School Magazine

farewell : o7

"Never forget your education is your life. " 1996

"When young people are made to face the realities of life, and to understand that they must accept responsibility for their actions, they eventually develop a respect for those who have encouraged them in this way. " 1997 "it is imperative If we are to have a healthy society, that we set in place processes which will help students develop their sense of responsibility not only to themselves but also to others We can give our children no greater gift than the capacity to face up to and learn from their failures and mistakes. " 1998 "... the spirit of Grammar and the vision that we have for our young people - tolerance, respect, understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity and differences. " 1999





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CIS for creative, committed, caring, courageous, community

E for energy, which has been exhausting at times

L 15 for loyal, luminary and, dare I say It, at times lunatic


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E 15 for enthusiastic entrepreneurship

B for the Big Project, which coupled with beauty and business acumen, gave you skills you can take anywhere

R is for realism and resourcefulness

A acknowledges your active, articulate, artistic and ambitious elements

T 15 for TRUE BLUE, of which there 15 only one - GRAMMAR BLUE, BLUE, BLUE Of course it is also for tenacity and occasionally twitty!

I is industry, imagination, integrity and Intelligence

O for overwhelming, outgoing, optimistic and course outcomes

N for natural, the normal and the naughty"2000

Collected from MrsJudith Honcock3 End of YearAssembly addresses, 1977-2000




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