2001 School Magazine
original works : 75
Reflections if you weren't you who would you rather be? it I wasn't me I would rather be a bird in the sky to be light and free! A bird in the sky? Yes, a bird dipping low and then soaring high I've never thought of you that wayl A wild, free bird, I would never stay in less than one place for more than one da if you weren't you then who would you rather be? iflwasn't me Iwould rather be an arctic seal! An arctic seal7 Yes, slipping and sliding down icebergs through powdery-soft snow into the freezing cool water below I don't think that would suit you muchl A seal. sunbaking, splishing and splashing, diving and skidding through snow ice and water with my flippers-ariapping!
Einino Douglas 8 0Connor
if you weren't you who would you rather be? if I wasn't me I would rather be a little folly! A little ferry?
So small and soft, granting people's wishes But everyone knows that fairies aren't truel I'd slide down moonbeams with elegant grace and live in a flower of pretty sky blue
if you weren't you than who would you rather be? If I wasn't me 16 rather be, a big old tree in a rain forest, greenl A tree in a rain forest?
A magnificent, tall, majestic tree Id never thought of you that wayl Overgrown with moss and vines. feeding birds with my fruits and hiding anim danger's first signs
Signd Memng 8 Gibson
If you weren't you than who would you rather be? If I wasn't me I'd rather be a photo of someone's most special moment! A hoto? Yes. to be treasured and loved forever by everyone and to belooked upon with pride andjoy I didn't think that was what you'd sayl A photo that captured emotions and joys of that special moment on that wonderful day If you had a choice out of the whole wide world, who or what would you be? if I had a choice out of the whole wide world. jujust rather stay meI
Monique Row!es 8 Engiond2001
I^ Too I, ., ' Do '\ c, ,.. O . \
Fresh white snow capped the top of the towering rocky mountain. The girl left bloodstained footsteps as she trekked down the mountainside Unsteady rocks further down made walking difficult and the thin layer of snow caused slipperiness. Eventually she reached green grass at the foot of the mountain The dead silence was abruptly broken by a loud thundering noise An avalanche was coming. She ran as fast as possible, but thick snow overtook her She was trapped
Koiherine Sheehy 10 Woolcock CIOssroom Writing
Somh Tesor 9En91and
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