2001 School Magazine
74 : original works
Stolen Light Amsterdom, 1943-
Thud. 'Ow!'Jan screamed. 'You did that on purpose!' He glared maliciously at his brother, Guy, and stalked over to him The two young brothers were so intent on their bickering, that they did not notice the sun roll behind a veil of clouds, bathing the world in an unpleasantly eerie light. Nor did they notice the troop of stoney-faced soldiers marching swiftly around the corner of their street. Groups of the stout, proud-looking men broke off from the group, and ran into neighbouring houses. The solders' unexpected entries were followed by heart-wrenching screams, as children were ruthlessly torn away from their mothers' arms Guy and Jan were standing, motionless, on the driveway, uncertain what was happening. it was not until their mother rushed out, flailing her arms in desperate gestures for them to get inside, that they started to feel fear. Real fear Slamming the heavy oak door with a loud bang, they were rushed down the narrow hallway and shoved uriceremoniously Into a cramped, musty cupboard Seconds passed. Maybe they were minutes The boys did not know. Each breath seemed to roar out their hiding place. Thump. Thump. Heavy boots drew c OSer and closer Desperate screams cut the air Hinges squeaked Light pored in, and with it came the arms of death, strong and muscular Then it was gone, and the house was still. .. Except for a trembling ball of dirty cloth and greasy hair, in the corner of the tiny cupboard Realisation struck Guyin the stomach, knocking all the air out of him. Why hadn't they taken him? And, more importantly, would he ever see his family again? 'Belnie's Burger51 The neon lights glared down at Guy, lighting up his uncertain face. He checked the address again. even though he knew this was the place He could see the huge oak tree, the one that Dad had planted before the war After the war, Guy had been shipped off to America, with hundreds of other orphaned children. He had been trying to find his family for years, but there was no trace of them Where had they gone? There was something not right about it all it was as if they had disappeared off the face of the earth He entered the restaurant casually, and strolled up to the counter, trepidation mounting deep within him. 'Excuse me, ' he inquired of the cashier. I was wondering if you knew anything about the family that used to live here?' The young manlooked at him blankly, picking at a scabby mess on his chin, then said he should go upstairs and see the manager Guy's shaking, sweaty palms slipped on the Manager's door handle. inside, all he could see was dark, old furniture that looked like it was rarely used. He called out nervously There was no reply Suddenly an old man shuffled Into the room He had a weather-beaten face that showed years of pain and suffering Eyeing Guy warily, he told him to come in and sit down. Lowering himself into a faded couch, an unreadable expression passed over the old man's face as Guy started his story. They sipped tea together, in that musty lounge room for an hour, while Guy explained about the separation from his parents, and his fruitless search for them There was a long pause after the story was finished, and Guy stared into the soggy dregs left at the bottom of his cup, embarrassed at showing emotion in front of this stranger. The old man suddenly stood up, and shuffled over to the window 'I can not help you, ' he said, though Guy thought there was a hint of regret in his voice. I think you will want to go now. ' After abruptly showing a confused Guy the door, the old man went back to the window. His faded green eyes, which may have once been bright and sparkling, flashed with something that might have been regret, as he watched his son trudge. shoulders slumped, down the cobbled path. He alone had survived, hadn't even known the stench of death, hadn't had to watch his family die in front of his eyes it wasn't fair. After so many years of pain and suffering, the old man could not allow himself the pleasure of having his son back I%7-
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