2001 School Magazine

music : B 7

Second term saw some more excellent musical events starting with the annual Easter Celebration Service in April. The BGS Community Concert which many o our Girls Grammar community were part of was the next event for the term This was followed by the May Concert and the School's joint musical with BGS - Godspell. This was a very successful production for the Drama and Music students involved which proved not only to be popular. selling out every night, but a fun event for all participants. Term Two also saw some of our most advanced musicians perform in the Senior instrumental and Vocal Competition which CUIminated with the Artists in Concert Showcase of the final ists wing for the RT and^:EU^ff6iies BUTSary. The recipient6fthe Bursary thisyear'Was ,

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Year I I student Kavita Paw who me sinerized the audience with her wonderful recorder performance of Vivace by Vivaldi and an Interesting piece Where3 the Other One? which called for the simultaneous playing of two recorders. The Concert Band combined with the band from St Joseph's GregoryTerrace for a workshop and concert which was a great chance to combine music and social interests A visit by the Knox Grammar Gallery Choir launched a series of combined events which took place throughout Term Three. The first of these events was a Choral Concert involving the Knox Grammar boys, Canterbury College group Cantabile, and our own Chamber Singers. This concert was followed by a rewarding trip to Adelaide for selected students participating in the Combined Schools Festival This biennial festival which involved twelve schools from Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney demands a high level of skill from the musicians who perform challenging music in a concert which 15 the culmination of an intense week of rehearsals and tutorials. it was an exciting trip for all students, with excellent Impromptu In-flight entertainment provided by our own wonderful music students on the trip over. The Combined Schools Concert was followed by a Grammar Band Festival that gave BGGS and BGS students in the band program a chance to perform. In the middle of the term the much-anticipated annual Gala Concert was, as always. an amazing event. This year's Gala featured the senior music groups, and saw the successful addition of the Grammar Community Choir. The term ended with the BGGS/BGS Intermediate String Festival



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