2001 School Magazine

e^ :year I I

Year I 12001 has been a brand new experience - and noriust for the girls! The fresh, lively, innovative grade has brought smiles and laughter to the teachers this year, as the girls entered a new stage in their academic lives - the senior school Year I I at BGGS is a fantastic experience as it opens up new opportunities in all aspects of school life new subjects and a more demanding curriculum as we prepare for Year 12 and beyond, but outside the classroomlife waslust as Interesting. For the first time, our year had Year Assemblies each week, which provided an opportunity for our grade to become a tohort"- Mrs MCConaghy's favourite word!

Self-initiated adjvities like uniform fashion parades, Impromptu talent quests (thanks Katie Gault. ..) and the consumption of lots andlots of 1011ies (they help you think . honest!) provided a lot of laughs and certainly amused - it not shocked - Mrs MCConaghy. These sessions have resulted in our grade becoming a lot closer, and definitely more cohesive The highlight of the Year I I year was, of course, the Semi-Formal. Held on 16 June, at the Carlton Crest, the evening was a huge success thanks to the Incredible organisation of our semi-formal committee. After months of build up - and lessons filled with a

mixture of equations, topic sentences and whispered questions of "what are you wearing?"and"who are you taking7"- the night finally arrived After a hurried dinner and a few short speeches, we let our beautifully styled hair down and danced the night away Although many of us woke up with sore feet in the morning (I am never dancing in heels again!), it was certainly worth it, and the Semi- Formal 2001 will be a night none of us will ever forget Term Three was the first real indication that things were getting serious as our core program began to focus on leadership, and the teachers

increased their expectations of our own self-motivation and organisation After a lot of hard work the term finished with our"Grade Night" a Tetro/fifties/eighties inspired party with karaoke, fashion parades and our favourite thing, lots of food. The night was our last moment of freedom as Term Four started with nominations

and voting for the leadership positions for next yea, and the workload increased yet again -

a lead-up to Year 12 Year I I 2001 has been fun-filled and eye-opening, and our grade promises to lead the school in an absolutely stunning fashion Watch out, Year 12200215 coming your way!



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