2001 School Magazine
year I I : 33
Mindshop Excellence Program
While the rest of the girls at BGGS were enjoying their last day of Term Two. four of the girls began an experience they will never forget. Katie Anderson, Lucy MCKenzie. George Parker and A1yia Rahemtula attended work experience organised by the Mihdshop Excellence Progrom (MEP) Our host organisation, Q Plan Financial Services. provided us with a real-life problem. which we had to solve over the next four days Our priceless guide, Mr Robert St Clair from the MEP used the first day for toning us in life skills. team building. self-confidence and continuous Improvement. After this Invaluable training we were presented with the company's problem by its two directors. Our main task, we discovered, was to design a uniform saving system for their client files, which would facilitate easy access for its employees, and also design an efficient method for storage and backup of the subject files For the next four days we were let loose to solve the problem alone, armed only with our training and boundless enthusiasm. After several hours of data gathering, analysis, planning, more analysing and planning, we finally worked out a practical. efficient and effective solution to their problem. We designed a saving template, a method of storing files, as well as a quick and efficient way of searching their database. We also worked out a summary of the costs involved in the application of our scheme, which, if implemented, would eventually lead
Embracing the Vision
Did you know that worldwide, one child dies every three seconds from malnutrition? During Term Two Lucy MCKenzie and Me ianie Jones did their bit to help address the problem In the Easter holidays they attended the Youth Leadership Convent!on run by World Vision, and subsequently conducted a Sign-a-T-shirt campaign. This was the first campaign any school had ever undertaken. The colourfuly decorated 'Hello'shirts were then sent to children in need and the money raised used to jin rove their 11vin conditions. in total near I a thousand dollars was raised
to the ideal paperless office
During the two days at the Convention, Me Ianie and Lucy met 18-year-old Sokheum, a landmine victim, andTony, who has set up many homes in Cambodia for street children Living in the lucky country Australians have become de- sensitized to the sheer problems of survival facing millions of young people Even Australia has Its fall share of problems, with an Aboriginal township called Pipunya Qincially having been declared third-world five years ago it is important to remember we don't have to be superman, or superwoman, to change the world, but we do need to think"vision possible"- World Vision's motto Have a vision. Think it, see it, believe it and then make it happen
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On our last day of work experience we gave a presentation of our solution to t two directors, Mr St Clair, parents and school representatives, which was most favourably received by all concerned Special thanks must go to Mr Seaha for giving us his absolute attention and continuous support. Endless thanks must be given to Mrs Hancock, Mr St Clair, the Mindshop Excellence Program and Q Plan Financial Services for allowing u to discover and enjoy an aspect of work experience. which we are most probably going to face when we eventually hit the workforce
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